Is this not a normal amount of makeup to own? Friends and family poke fun that I own a store.

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Not even close to hoarding!! Not even CLOSE. this is a perfectly normal amount and tbh quite minimal compared to most.

Oh I own way more than that….keep doing you!! Makeup is fun 🙂

This is the amount I pack to travel and at home I have like 3x more. I’m not especially interested in makeup.

You have an entirely normal amount of makeup as per me and any friends I’ve ever had and the collections that we keep.

That’s maybe a tenth of what I own, though I do have the excuse of working at Sephora for several years.

This seems like a relatively small amount for someone who wears makeup regularly.

I have triple this and my family and friends talk shit about me all the time saying I’m opening a store too they just don’t understand formulations and tones ( there’s different shades of pink , different undertones, shimmery va matte, gloss vs lipstick, waterproof vs not , brown mascara vs black , pencil liner bs liquid and how they all serve different needs and they wouldn’t understand at all how much impact makeup formulations have on a
Look … it’s like a chef who has a million different knives and cooking utensils and pots and pans but to regular people with no culinary knowledge they think a pot and frying pan is enough lol

Better not let them come to my place then! Lol that’s a normal amount.

There are about 24 makeup items in your picture. That’s quite a bit more than I have-I’m a minimalist. But my friend J has more *mascaras* than that, mascaras only, never mind any other category of makeup. I think you’re well within the bounds of propriety. 🙂

A mindful and demure amount of makeup.

I own more and barely touch it.

Enjoy your makeup. It’s a wonderful experience and past time to have. Dont listen to the comments. It’s one of the easiest ways to experiment with style and even 30 years on I am still fascinated with new products.

You have a lovely collection!

If this is a store then I own a Costco of makeup 😅 You’re good.

If that’s the store…I’m the factory

This might be 10% of the makeup I own.

Um I own a metric fuck ton more than that and I only wear makeup like 4 times a month lol.

I would say this is a below average amount of makeup to own.

Uhhh…is this a joke? Is this like…just the amount from your purse or….like, where’s the rest.

Oh honey. 😅
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(yes, that outlet is the bane of my existence)

I thought this was a haul post 🤣 i have an entire filling cabinet…

lol giiiirl I have like 4 drawers in my vanity for just makeup. Your amount is what I take to travel. Def not a lot.

That’s less than what I own and I don’t even wear makeup

I have 50+ eye palettes alone 😬

I mean this in the nicest way: that ain’t shit.

Im not part of this subreddit but this post randomly showed up on my feed, i don’t do makeup and i probably have more lmao

Find new friends lol

Girl I have more than that and I barely wear much on a daily except for when I wanna feel special

…that’s, like, 1/4 of what I currently have. In my defense though, I’m kinda gross and don’t throw anything away unless it smells/looks bad so it just accumulates.

I’d say you’re just prepared. I only have a mascara, chapstick and aquaphor

This is completely normal compared to those little 5 year olds on tiktok💀

im a makeup manufacturer if that’s too much makeup 😂😂

tell your family to mind their business 😂🩷

Oh you sweet summer child. That’s not even what I have in my purse 😂

If that’s a store, then I own a distribution center.

think of it like this: i bet your mom has a ton of spices in her kitchen, or your grandma has a bunch of paint in her studio. (fabric in a sewing room, gardening tools in a shed, etc). everyone has their own creative outlet and thing they migrate towards they should not be giving you a hard time at all about it! hopefully they aren’t malicious, but if so i bet you can find something in their lives that they love and have more of than you, and it’s a easy way to explain your interests.

Girl, that’s our feminine right to have massive amounts of makeup.✨️

This is the amount my daily makeup bag has 😩

That’s not much at all. I literally have enough to last the rest of my life 3x over. I have 2 of those 6 bin shelving units with 8/12 full of makeup. I’m not bragging it’s embarrassing because I’ve really just wasted money because I know some will spoil or dry up before I ever use it.

If they’re poking fun at this, theyd better be ready to see my collection and mom’s. They’d have a heart attack lol

Using my wife and daughters as a primer, those are rookie numbers.

I don’t even wear makeup, and I have at least 3 x that much.

Girl I have way more and they should make fun of me because most makeup expires after 1-2 years so I should chuck half of it! Lol. I’m working on my consumption. This is a gorgeous makeup collection and very normal ❤️

This is like a cute lil travel set, you’re good girl lol

You think THIS is bad??? [Check out this girls collection.]( She could literally actually own a store it’s insane.

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