Is this reality or just a fantasy

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It’s better than seeing your uncle in bed instead

Oops gotta change pants

My vivid dream wasn’t sharing a bed, I was on a yacht looking over at the waves with a girl by my side. I woke up alone and making that dream a reality has been my goal ever since.

You could say “it’s an escape from reality”. 

Easy come… well, damn

Caught in a landslide

I always envied guys who have erotic dreams…

Had a dream last night that I met someone perfect for me. She wasn’t hot or ugly; she wasn’t rich or poor; she wasn’t nice or mean. She was just a person. It was magical.

It do be like that sometimes

I think I once said to her I was scared that she wouldn’t be there when I woke up.

When wasn’t.

Yeah this do be happening

I shouldn’t be in Reddit with my current mental state.

I’m suffering Mentally from my loneliness so the meme did the made me more depressed and it’s my fault

The only time I shared a bed with someone in a dream it was with a lion, totally bizarre

Even better when it was your ex

And with wet panties…

Her face says all😂

I’m heterosexual but I more often have vivid dreams about sharing a bed with a guy, for some reason

Unfunniest shit

Let me guess. You wanna fuck a girl dont you

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