Is this tacky?

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Absolutely but also it’s AMAZING. I would kill for this in my house 😂

Yes and it’s lovely

Spectacularly kitschy!

Totally, completely tacky. Who else wants one?

Yes. Awful. Let me take it off your hands.

I mean yes, but I sort of love it just for how joyfully weird it is

It’s not tacky, it’s camp. And it is wonderful!

It’s beautiful and tacky. It would be a killer statement piece in a room ❤️

Love it! It’ll look better if it hung lower.

it’s glorious

It’s so tacky, but it’s also incredible and you should embrace it.


But as somebody whose taken 3 whole glass blowing classes, it’s also baller as fuck.

John Waters is screaming in Baltimore, “who stole my chandelier?”

God yes in all of the best ways 😍 what a beautiful sight to behold

Not if you ask Elton John.

I love it, but I identify as a flamingo. I only have one leg.

This lamp is in her store in this article

In the best way.

If I found this piece, I would make a room to suit it. These are the things that can bring life to a home.

Not necessarily. Also it shouldn’t be touching the ceiling like that.

Yes and I love it

Amazing! Would love it for my own home.

It’s difficult to judge without seeing it in context of the room size or colour palette – so I guess my answer is – not necessarily!

It’s amazing but looks like a bitch to clean

Yes very much

I think it’s brave and you should never listen to strangers online (including me)

yeah but it would also be killer in a room thats fitting of it ya feel

Utterly! Bur also fabulous!

Yes and it’s fantastic!!!

Yes but I absolutely want it. Can you link?

I need it for my Sulking Room – we’re painting a spare room in F&B Sulking Room Pink and using it as a bar/lounge/music/houseplant room. Fun and funky vibes


Yes I love it


Yes! But wonderfully!

This is the tackiest sh!t I’ve seen in awhile and I am living for it.

This is the greatest chandelier I’ve ever seen in my life

Fantastically tacky.

Yes and it’s fabulous

Only in Cinderella’s palace…somewhere out of the way, like way up high over the bathtub

It’s tacky but tacky can look cool in the right setting. If you have at least 1 wall of floral/jungle print wallpaper this would look cool

I’m going to go against the grain and say, no, it’s not tacky. It’s not lacking in good taste, gaudy or cheap+showy.

It’s tacky in an oh so glorious way.

As a huge chandelier aficionado and someone who is fond of a pink flamingo here and there (because why not?) this is a masterpiece.

Yes but it’s amazing. If I went to someone’s house and they had this I would like them instantly. I would have something like this in my house if I could. It’s beautiful and whimsical.

Deliciously tacky ❤️

This falls under the category of Fabulously Tacky.

Very whimsical. The only thing is : the rest of the room better be deserving of it!!!

Yes. I’ll take 10.

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