Is this their way of “Making America Healthy?”

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That motherfucker looks and sounds like shit. Having RFK Jr stroke out while Dr. Oz bumbles about uselessly and Elon Musk spouts nonsense about having a robot do surgery during a photo-op would be the correct omen for us to confront if this were the opening act of Greek tragedy.

And they had a fit when Michele Obama wanted kids to eat healthy….

He just makes shit up. He proclaimed seed oils are the main cause of obesity and beef fat is healthier and everyone is repeating it. He doesn’t even cite one single scientist or doctor for this “data”. He makes little charts and graphs with nothing attributed to them. Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Mt Sinai, the CDC, the AHA etc etc all strongly disagree and have hundreds of peer reviewed studies involving actual PHDs to cite for it over the last 50 years. Most people repeating this claim don’t even know it came from him. I can’t with this 💩 

Isn’t he also on steroids? I refuse to believe that his muscular body is 100% natural.

The brain worm knows all!

Overcoming heroin addiction and turning your life around is commendable (though not necessarily a job qualification).

Saying that smack was a good study aid, though, rather blunts that message, though.

Heroin is a great way to lose weight! /S

Don’t forget the steroids. That’s the drug that’s driving the Joe Rogan energy behind all this.

You must have misheard him when he said Make America Heroin Addicted Again.

Just like how it was originally advertised as a [“non-addictive morphine substitute”](, it’ll solve the fentanyl and obesity crises. Add some H5N1-riddled raw milk to your roadkill & ivermectin diet for maximum effect.

My partner worked at a relatively low income rehab (definitely no one famous was ever there and it was not for rich people) for a while and the amount of addicts who ate “an exclusively carnivore diet” or a “vegan non-GMO” diet or we’re worried about seed oils in their salad dressing was astounding. Highly concerned about the contents of their oatmeal or where the chicken tenders came from but would drink perfume and hand sanitizer or do meth in the back of a dollar general. When you do one horrible thing you often start to believe that you keeping up with something small will keep the ill affects of your addiction at bay.

cognitive dissonance is a wild thing.

But Trump thinks RFK is muscular and sexy in his swim trunks

He’s that classic ex junkie who still lives a very unhealthy life, but looks up fringe pseudoscientific health recommendations and preaches them to his entire social group.

I fear for Americans and what they’re in for under Trump’s presidency.


Does this election make anyone else want to get into politics? It’s seems like the bar is set so low that even I, a nobody from PA who works in a window factory, could find success in politics.

Honestly, frying a turkey in tallow is the least of those concerns.

He’s certifiably insane.

Trump and his MAGA supporters have brain rot infection. They are about to get a good lesson of how quickly Fox “News” watching will destroy a country about to turn 250.

The only reason RFK is being put in charge of health is because he’s an anti-vaxing steroid user.

Republicans are hypocrites.

**Stop being shocked.**


America is now opposite land, where up is down and healthy is drinking bleach

Who could possibly know better what NOT to do?

We’ve been given Dr. Nick Riviera as our new head of HHS.

This is the first time I’ve heard the political slogan “Make America Healthy.” MAGA just defeated the United States and their stated objectives are to abolish healthcare and education in North America.

To be fair, the guy is probably doing so much coke that he’ll feel like a million bucks right up until he drops dead

At this point, I would honestly be less shocked to hear that RFK JR was killed in an Alabama meth lab trailer explosion…

Almost as crazy as Trump saying he’s a protector of women, huh? It’s almost like they say the complete opposite of what they’re really about, isn’t it?

Many addicts can’t seem to accept that moderation and self-discipline is the answer. I’ve encountered a few that found the Mediterranean Diet too boring. Instead, they act as if there is some conspiracy like seed oils that’s preventing them from being healthy.

Or they can’t just go to the gym. They need to post constantly about some extreme exercise routine. The most annoying are the ones who after taking a fitness class for a few months want to start teaching it.

If anything, RFK Jr is an example of an unhealthy person whose privilege has allowed him to never grow up.

He also tans, which is absolutely WILD to think about from someone providing “health” mandates. He’s the type of loon to prefer anecdotal over evidence and start recommending the return of [Calomel]( *(aka: Highly poisonous Mercury!)* in medicines given to children and sick people.

Yep. It’s real . It’s happening . Get ready to be healthy.

If the plan is to kill America, it tracks.

You have read Animal Farm, right?

Welcome to 1984. Sickness is health.

He’s a boots on the ground kinda guy.

okay but let’s keep the eyes on the prize, Tulsi Gabbard is a russian asset and cannot be let anywhere near the DNI role

Gotta feed the worm

Nothing wrong with tallow

To make America healthy is the cover slogan. The actual intent is to make corporations more profitable.

MMW he’ll be back on the heroin by the time this is over. His wife just left him too.

I used to respect RFK, now Im disgusted to even own a book he had helped to write/contribute to

Maybe they are planning on letting natural selection/Darwin awards weed the weak out?


He is doing all that publicly so that we can watch him. That’s part of his strategy. He’s building himself up now so that when he takes office we know to do the opposite of whatever he recommends. It’s called strategy. And this is what I’m choosing to believe to get through the next 4 years.

I can’t help but feel that there might be more qualified people out there to perform this role.

It’s all about how they make the average american feel. And right now they feel like racism is acceptable.

That man clearly does coke still.

You leave deep frying turkey in tallow out of this. That’s patriotic.

It’s easy to make America healthy : just lower (or raise depending of the context) all the metrics.

Boom. Obesity now starts at 200kg ! Obesity rate in USA is now almost 0%.

I’d trust my local crossfit trainer over that any day

to understand the depths of MAGA critical thinking skills. They saw an old guy with muscles when his shirt was off. That’s it…that’s their depth.

Hopefully all the nonsense being spouted will help cleanse the gene pool. Paging Charles Darwin…

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