Isn’t it nice to live in a country where all religions can celebrate together?

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Where is this?

this post being about Isreal is sending me into an orbit


Y’all gotta remember that Israel does, in fact, house about 1.7 million arabs with full citizenship status.

Is this a Christmas display?

Absolutely!!! Where is it???

Love it

I live in such country and maybe you too.

Indeed it is!

It’s excellent. Peaceful celebration of diversity.

This thread is full of people showing their discomfort with praising Israel in any capacity. Le free thinkers unite

Wow for some reason I thought maybe this sub wouldn’t be festering with antisemitism. Silly me.

This is the future liberals want

It’s me. In this context. I want this.

Haha merry Xmas 🎅 

That’s cuz there’s only one true religion consumerism.

I wish this for every place on earth. Happy Holidays encompasses all holidays and faiths. Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to those celebrating right now.

Happy New Year to all.

Where is the satanic church display?

This is badass.

Love this👍🌲👍👏🧬🙏📿🛐🤲

Maybe someday that will be every country

Minus the genocide/ war crimes.

Damn so it’s not cool to be a bigot unless we’re talking about Israel/Jews🫤🫤

Israel is dope. It’s wild how retarded leftists are in their hatred of Israel

Netanyahu appeals to “western audience” just like master puppeteer.
[Netanyahu interview with settler](

Based Israel


Can’t be USA, I don’t see any protesters declaring this a War on Christmas

Isn’t it nice to live?

Satire post?

A sub averaging 200 upvote on most post suddenly have a post popping off while being cross posted to a sub known to astroturf, and as usual mods doing nothing. Truly optimistic seeing opinions being influenced by foreigns powers

The religions are made to exclude and discriminate. Uniting religions is like can we have a fire that doesn’t burn the pile of hay?

that’s nice, a far better idea than no christmas stuff

Better to live in a country where there is no religion

This sub used to be pretty cool to check out before it started ever hitting the front page – this is just all out mask off Ministry of Peace nonsense now, eh?

comment image?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=60fbf44b51cfd22983748b1f83abb599a9e4f5eb

Yes! It’s awesome

What does Islam have in December? Christians have Christmas, Jews have Hanukkah, why is Islam included?

They spit on Christians in Israel.

Before Judaism Christianity and Islam wiped out the Pagans it was normal to see multiple religions and different gods and goddesses being worshipped in the same city. Now they’re all but gone. A few still try to reconnect to the old Gods. Everywhere else is tyrannical monotheism of Yahweh or else atheism and agnosticism. Most can’t even imagine any other god but Yahweh.

Same country that spits on priests and banned call to prayer.

This is sarcasm ?

This sub is never beating the allegations man lmfao

I only see three different flavors of the same religion. Where are all the others?

comment image?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7271eb3b7c8b293d79feb38ab01579b07dfab966

Can’t feel the optimism over the bodies of the 17k+ children torn apart by their bombs

There’s a shrine of the Baha’i faith conveniently blocked out by the Star of David. You can see the stairs leading up to it in the background.

LOL at OP then trying to crosspost this into R/Israel to see what the reaction would be if Israel was included in the title.

She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

what would your reaction be if I sent you all the videos of Christians getting bullied, spat on, and their places of work destroyed by Zionists roaming freely in the streets (just bc they aren’t Jewish)?

This balances out the genocide, right? We did some lights and were square

/s. 🍉

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