It can’t happen here…

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Also for sanewashing literally everything Trump did while also scrutinizing every word Kamala uttered

Complicit garbage.

Anyone with two brain cells who wasn’t also corrupt knew.

Traditional media can go fuck themselves. They’ve been sanewashing Orange Asshole for years.

Now, now, Chuck ‘the Cuck’ Todd was just trying to make sure that we knew that because Trump said he didn’t know, it’s possible those on that side of the aisle *really* didn’t know.

Besides, as Peter Baker has reminded us a million times, Joe Biden is so old.

Ok but even if Trump owned it during his campaign, all his voters would buy “I’m voting for Project 2025” shirts. Let’s stop pretending they were reasonable people that could be won over with good policy. Deplorables and garbage was 100% correct, and I know that calling that out will not help win elections in the future, but it doesn’t change the truth, just the strategy.

I remember his dimwit cult members claiming during the election “don’t be overly dramatic bro he doesn’t even know what project 2025 is hurr durr”

The media has been saying the people acting like Nazis aren’t Nazis for decades.

And also let’s thank the media for harassing Harris on defending every single policy that she very clearly laid out but then never asking Trump to elaborate on his policies.

Well, Trump is being very clear now. He’s saying exactly what Democrats were screaming that he would do.

ALL of this could have been prevented if the media presented one side as Democrats and the other as “evil as hell”.

He draws views.. equates to money for them..

All he had to do was write one tweet where says he’s never heard of an organization he regularly works with, and every news story had to include some version of him denying knowledge of the plan.

Its wild how the media was called the “Fake news” by the Right… as an insult… and it turns out… a lot of it WAS fake news… but FOR them lol They were right, just not in the way they thought

The media is just as complicit as anyone else in this mess, if not more. Remember, Fox argued that they are entertainment and not a new channel.

The media are such a**holes.

I’m a 70 yr old democrat who campaigned vigorously, and this was not my first devastating loss.

I’ve been through the Nixon/Viet Nam era. Don’t give up. If we give up, well – we can’t give up.

Smoke a joint, have some wine, eat some food with your friends, but stay engaged.

Or We Are Fucked

Well…. They got what they wanted and hedged a bet that the fat, diabetic, leopard won’t eat their face, and they are likely right. All hail dear leader!!!

Journalism is dead. It’s for-profit entertainment now.

I’m working on a Project 2025 bingo card.

Boycott corporate media and their advertisers. Your money is your vote and voice.

The media were incredibly friendly to Trump and completely ignoring his obvious cognitive decline.

I hope NPR is proud of themselves for being so “fair”

NYT was running Project 2025 on like a daily basis.

The alarm bells were sounding. Voters weren’t listening. Stop trying to blame this on the media and whoever else. This was 100% on the idiots who voted for Trump and the idiots who stayed home. They own all of it.

A couple weeks before the election I saw a dyed in the wool progressive liberal woman arguing w/a panel of other progressive women that Project 2025 didn’t have anything to do w/Trump lol. Oh yeah it was on PBS..Buh bye job lmao

Media played themselves

It’s cool because now the “left Leaning” media has a lot to complain about for 4 years while simultaneously not lifting up any viable candidate on the “left” except for a 80+ year old independent who has shown very little actual leadership ability.

About every MAGA that said this (not the media, just everyday dumbasses) – do we believe that’s what they thought? Or did they secretly believe T***p supported Project 2025, and just said he didn’t to end the conversation?

I don’t know what media you’re referring to but I kept reading not to believe that this isn’t going to be the plan.

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