There was a dude all of us knew but no one liked. I was bullied as a kid so I felt sad for him and introduced him to my friends. To thank me he later that evening tried to bang my girlfriend.
Great guy.
3 months ago
I remember back when I was naive enough to believe that I could befriend people who sought friendships on here. I soon realised why they sought friendships on here.
3 months ago
Literally me as a new student.
3 months ago
I try my best to be nice to people but like holy fuck. I wish I didn’t give so many people 3rd and 4rth chances. They had no friends for a fucking reason holy shit.
3 months ago
So this is where you hiding? I called you a 100 times, came by your house every day, i know u go to work at 8:42 so i made sure i was there before then.
Why you ghosting me??? Im such a nice guy? people like you are why i have no friends
3 months ago
Made me learn two very sad things: 1. Many people without friends interpret you being just a decent, polite human being as you liking them. I didn’t enjoy their company very much but they wouldn’t leave me alone and I didn’t want to be rude. Took me too long to tell them I don’t want to spend time with them in a polite way.
2. Many times there are reasons why people don’t have friends. In my cases lots of them had very scary anger issues, substance abuse issues, trauma, were badly socialised.. and put that all on their friends and let it out on them. Of course the friends peaced out after a while and I get it after finding out the ugly truth myself. It’s completely fine to struggle and have a bad time, it’s not okay to hurt the people who are trying to help you and care for you.
3 months ago
This has been my experience a lot with online friends. Not all of them obviously, but some of them genuinely are the worst. I have always been open to making new friends online but so many of them are awful for some reason. Some are really creepy to the point you wonder if they’re registered sex offenders, others are mentally unstable and abusive for no reason at all and some are just straight up super autists so they fixate on little things you say, have no concept of boundaries and start stalking tf out of you. Not worth it a lot of the time.
3 months ago
i dont think im a terrible person but I just can’t put down the shield around me. im too scared to commit to being myself and risk being hurt later. i know the reason i dont have many friends and I’m not complaining, I choose to be this way.
3 months ago
I would like friends but I’m terrified I’m one of the people that the comments (and the meme) are talking about…
3 months ago
I always wondered why this smart funny woman I worked with didn’t seam to have close friends so I befriended her. Turns out the closer you are to her the worse she allows herself to treat you. Polite and nice to random people but snappy and rude af to her family and close ones. We are no longer friends.
3 months ago
This is all I get nowadays. I wonder why nobody likes them, then I eventually find out why.
3 months ago
Damn, this hurts. There was a time in my life when I switched schools and I made one friend but she moved away because it was too expensive where we live (a very common experience). After she moved, I struggled so hard to get people to like me. After that experience, I became a shut in and put up walls but my social life did improve as the years went on. Sometimes people don’t like you for dumb reasons.
3 months ago
3 months ago
Me making friends with a girl who claims to have no female friends. I understand sometimes people just get unlucky with certain bad experiences.
She was fucking a married man and trying to justify it but saying she looks better than the wife.
3 months ago
My closest thing to an online friendship that lasted was me discussing which charcter would we rather get out skull crushed by there thighs or boobs. We had a 3 hour conversation that day and never spoke to each other (it was in world of warcraft text whispers)
3 months ago
Had a coworker at a job i was working earlier this year, befriended him because nobody paid him any mind. Turned out to be a super clingy friend,constantly calling, constantly complaining about his life. I was dating a lot at the time and this dude would come up to me in front of coworkers and ask stuff like “did her pussy smell good? What did her pussy taste like? Did you fucker her in the ass?” To the point where I got uncomfortable and chewed him out in front of everyone.
I ended up romantically involved with another coworkwheand when he found out he would constantly text me “where is she at? What’s she doing? Are you guys in love? Will you marry her? Etc.”
Soon as I quit that job I started to ghost him entirely. Dude complained about not being able to have a girlfriend and he wonders why.
3 months ago
Ehh some of them have good intentions but really unfortunate mental health disorders that present challenges. It’s still taxing.
3 months ago
I was bullied as a kid. Mainly because I was gay, and I thought for so long that people didn’t like me because I was awful.
It was amazing when I finally changed school and was able to make friends easily.
3 months ago
I’m that person. And while I wouldn’t mind having one, I rarely feel the need to socialize and mostly content with only rare interactions. I don’t know why, but it is seemingly bad.
3 months ago
Well there are some jewels hidden in the trash sometimes… They are rare though…
Maybe someone is just passing through a bad phase in their lives and just need someone to flourish.
I usually call the act of searching if someone reserved is secretly a great person “sifting gold”. And occasionally you will find the best people you will ever know.
3 months ago
I made friends with the “weird kids” because I was an overly accepting person and they tore me apart, now I know who cares if I wake up tomorrow and ironically I’ve never been happier with the people they told me not to hang out with than with the “be your true self!1!” Kinda people
3 months ago
Sorry my parents didn’t socialize me correctly and now I’m awkward and don’t know what to say lol I’m making friends slowly though
3 months ago
Wait you guys get people trying to befriend you?
3 months ago
There’s a reason why they aren’t in the *other* group chat
3 months ago
felt bad for a guy who was a roommate because he was so lonely all the time. helped him clean up his space, took him out, tried to introduce him to people. he’d just ghost me at these events and keep whining while doing nothing to fix his problem. then he went behind my back and tried to get with my girlfriend. he failed then tried to physically fight me as I moved all my things out the next day.
3 months ago
Used to always tell people in the military when they’re transferring to a new base, watch out for the people who go super hard to try and immediately befriend you when you get there, very rarely they’re just a super nice person, but 99% of the time they’re glomming onto you because everyone there can’t stand them and they’re taking advantage of you not knowing that yet.
3 months ago
Same but trying to date the person whom “All my exes broke up with me”.
3 months ago
From my observations it seems that extended loneliness makes people turn, odd.
Or maybe those lonely people are lonely because they are, odd.
They have an aura of desperation about them
3 months ago
I don’t have friends because of my tendency to forget you exist when you’re not in my direct field of vision. It’s not personal, just how I’m wired.
3 months ago
I would get him/her a second chair because I can’t give a crap
3 months ago
Me trying with my husbands cousin who no one likes only for her to repeatedly shout she hates hates hates children. We’re the only couple with kids in the family…
3 months ago
Im the one with no friends, lol.
I remember a tweet that says, “im the kid you hang out with first year of school then you dump for decent human beings” or something like that.
Yeah im that kid.
I regret nothing though.
3 months ago
Met a guy on WoW who had only 2 friends despite playing the game for nearly 20 years.
Learned very quickly why:
1. Pathological liar, always telling people these amazing stories about how he’s the heir of a billion dollar trust fund and has mingled with every celebrity because he’s always going to Hollywood parties and drives a Bugatti.
2. Bullies people a lot – imagine someone who doesn’t know how to have fun without trash talking or putting down others, can’t laugh at jokes if he’s not the one telling them, always has to quickly blame other people when things go wrong.
3. Always puts himself first – he never wants to help anyone with anything and only wants to do things that benefits himself, refuses to even raid unless people guarantee him drops. Acts like his time is too valuable to be wasted otherwise.
Ironically he knows how to make friends, his biggest problem is that he doesn’t know how to keep them.
3 months ago
I befriended people with no friends multiple times. Sometimes it worked out great and sometimes it didn’t. Best if you can introduce them to a friend group so that they don’t only have you.
3 months ago
Trust me I’m not like that 😞
3 months ago
I’m that guy with no friends but it’s because I’m the one packing up and leaving.
3 months ago
She got in a relationship, and second day she tried to accuse him of blackmailing her into sending him nude pictures
3 months ago
I used to have no friends. Not because there was a good reason for people to avoid me, but because I was severely anti-social and simply didn’t try to make friends. If anyone actually wanted to get to know me, they’d find out that I’m not unpleasant to be around.
Last year, during my first semester of college, someone from one of my programming classes started to talk to me more often, and we ended up really getting along and becoming good friends. They had no idea who I was, and yet they gave me a chance and we both ended up benefitting from it.
That’s an example of a nice person. Someone who sees a person with no friends and doesn’t assume that they deserve it. Some people just don’t know how to navigate the social world and need a little help to come out of their shell.
3 months ago
It’s the same when you try to do something nice for the homeless
3 months ago
I became friends with someone who, by their own claim, had only one friend who lived six hours away. I got pretty close with her and her friend and ended up falling completely head over heels for her friend. Luckily for me, she fell in love with me too and we started dating. Then, over the following several months, the original friend A. Found out we were dating, B. Admitted to my now girlfriend that she was in love with her, and C. Spent a couple months calling her almost every day trying to convince her to break up with me and date her instead, despite the fact that she isn’t even a LITTLE interested in doing so. Not exactly a great friend for either of us.
3 months ago
“Make friends with the weird people” they say, “they can be really fun”. Then they meet me.
3 months ago
The real hurt is realizing you are that loner and coming to terms with all of your flaws that causes you to be in that situation to begin with.
Feels bad dude.
3 months ago
While I certainly agree with this currently, as a lot of very hateful idiots are pushing away anyone around them that doesn’t worship D.T., there are a LOT of VERY GOOD people who don’t have a single friend for no fault of their own. Most people are just terrible people these days, many proud of it.
There was a dude all of us knew but no one liked. I was bullied as a kid so I felt sad for him and introduced him to my friends. To thank me he later that evening tried to bang my girlfriend.
Great guy.
I remember back when I was naive enough to believe that I could befriend people who sought friendships on here. I soon realised why they sought friendships on here.
Literally me as a new student.
I try my best to be nice to people but like holy fuck. I wish I didn’t give so many people 3rd and 4rth chances. They had no friends for a fucking reason holy shit.
So this is where you hiding? I called you a 100 times, came by your house every day, i know u go to work at 8:42 so i made sure i was there before then.
Why you ghosting me??? Im such a nice guy? people like you are why i have no friends
Made me learn two very sad things: 1. Many people without friends interpret you being just a decent, polite human being as you liking them. I didn’t enjoy their company very much but they wouldn’t leave me alone and I didn’t want to be rude. Took me too long to tell them I don’t want to spend time with them in a polite way.
2. Many times there are reasons why people don’t have friends. In my cases lots of them had very scary anger issues, substance abuse issues, trauma, were badly socialised.. and put that all on their friends and let it out on them. Of course the friends peaced out after a while and I get it after finding out the ugly truth myself. It’s completely fine to struggle and have a bad time, it’s not okay to hurt the people who are trying to help you and care for you.
This has been my experience a lot with online friends. Not all of them obviously, but some of them genuinely are the worst. I have always been open to making new friends online but so many of them are awful for some reason. Some are really creepy to the point you wonder if they’re registered sex offenders, others are mentally unstable and abusive for no reason at all and some are just straight up super autists so they fixate on little things you say, have no concept of boundaries and start stalking tf out of you. Not worth it a lot of the time.
i dont think im a terrible person but I just can’t put down the shield around me. im too scared to commit to being myself and risk being hurt later. i know the reason i dont have many friends and I’m not complaining, I choose to be this way.
I would like friends but I’m terrified I’m one of the people that the comments (and the meme) are talking about…
I always wondered why this smart funny woman I worked with didn’t seam to have close friends so I befriended her. Turns out the closer you are to her the worse she allows herself to treat you. Polite and nice to random people but snappy and rude af to her family and close ones. We are no longer friends.
This is all I get nowadays. I wonder why nobody likes them, then I eventually find out why.
Damn, this hurts. There was a time in my life when I switched schools and I made one friend but she moved away because it was too expensive where we live (a very common experience). After she moved, I struggled so hard to get people to like me. After that experience, I became a shut in and put up walls but my social life did improve as the years went on. Sometimes people don’t like you for dumb reasons.
Me making friends with a girl who claims to have no female friends. I understand sometimes people just get unlucky with certain bad experiences.
She was fucking a married man and trying to justify it but saying she looks better than the wife.
My closest thing to an online friendship that lasted was me discussing which charcter would we rather get out skull crushed by there thighs or boobs. We had a 3 hour conversation that day and never spoke to each other (it was in world of warcraft text whispers)
Had a coworker at a job i was working earlier this year, befriended him because nobody paid him any mind. Turned out to be a super clingy friend,constantly calling, constantly complaining about his life. I was dating a lot at the time and this dude would come up to me in front of coworkers and ask stuff like “did her pussy smell good? What did her pussy taste like? Did you fucker her in the ass?” To the point where I got uncomfortable and chewed him out in front of everyone.
I ended up romantically involved with another coworkwheand when he found out he would constantly text me “where is she at? What’s she doing? Are you guys in love? Will you marry her? Etc.”
Soon as I quit that job I started to ghost him entirely. Dude complained about not being able to have a girlfriend and he wonders why.
Ehh some of them have good intentions but really unfortunate mental health disorders that present challenges. It’s still taxing.
I was bullied as a kid. Mainly because I was gay, and I thought for so long that people didn’t like me because I was awful.
It was amazing when I finally changed school and was able to make friends easily.
I’m that person. And while I wouldn’t mind having one, I rarely feel the need to socialize and mostly content with only rare interactions. I don’t know why, but it is seemingly bad.
Well there are some jewels hidden in the trash sometimes… They are rare though…
Maybe someone is just passing through a bad phase in their lives and just need someone to flourish.
I usually call the act of searching if someone reserved is secretly a great person “sifting gold”. And occasionally you will find the best people you will ever know.
I made friends with the “weird kids” because I was an overly accepting person and they tore me apart, now I know who cares if I wake up tomorrow and ironically I’ve never been happier with the people they told me not to hang out with than with the “be your true self!1!” Kinda people
Sorry my parents didn’t socialize me correctly and now I’m awkward and don’t know what to say lol I’m making friends slowly though
Wait you guys get people trying to befriend you?
There’s a reason why they aren’t in the *other* group chat
felt bad for a guy who was a roommate because he was so lonely all the time. helped him clean up his space, took him out, tried to introduce him to people. he’d just ghost me at these events and keep whining while doing nothing to fix his problem. then he went behind my back and tried to get with my girlfriend. he failed then tried to physically fight me as I moved all my things out the next day.
Used to always tell people in the military when they’re transferring to a new base, watch out for the people who go super hard to try and immediately befriend you when you get there, very rarely they’re just a super nice person, but 99% of the time they’re glomming onto you because everyone there can’t stand them and they’re taking advantage of you not knowing that yet.
Same but trying to date the person whom “All my exes broke up with me”.
From my observations it seems that extended loneliness makes people turn, odd.
Or maybe those lonely people are lonely because they are, odd.
They have an aura of desperation about them
I don’t have friends because of my tendency to forget you exist when you’re not in my direct field of vision. It’s not personal, just how I’m wired.
I would get him/her a second chair because I can’t give a crap
Me trying with my husbands cousin who no one likes only for her to repeatedly shout she hates hates hates children. We’re the only couple with kids in the family…
Im the one with no friends, lol.
I remember a tweet that says, “im the kid you hang out with first year of school then you dump for decent human beings” or something like that.
Yeah im that kid.
I regret nothing though.
Met a guy on WoW who had only 2 friends despite playing the game for nearly 20 years.
Learned very quickly why:
1. Pathological liar, always telling people these amazing stories about how he’s the heir of a billion dollar trust fund and has mingled with every celebrity because he’s always going to Hollywood parties and drives a Bugatti.
2. Bullies people a lot – imagine someone who doesn’t know how to have fun without trash talking or putting down others, can’t laugh at jokes if he’s not the one telling them, always has to quickly blame other people when things go wrong.
3. Always puts himself first – he never wants to help anyone with anything and only wants to do things that benefits himself, refuses to even raid unless people guarantee him drops. Acts like his time is too valuable to be wasted otherwise.
Ironically he knows how to make friends, his biggest problem is that he doesn’t know how to keep them.
I befriended people with no friends multiple times. Sometimes it worked out great and sometimes it didn’t. Best if you can introduce them to a friend group so that they don’t only have you.
Trust me I’m not like that 😞
I’m that guy with no friends but it’s because I’m the one packing up and leaving.
She got in a relationship, and second day she tried to accuse him of blackmailing her into sending him nude pictures
I used to have no friends. Not because there was a good reason for people to avoid me, but because I was severely anti-social and simply didn’t try to make friends. If anyone actually wanted to get to know me, they’d find out that I’m not unpleasant to be around.
Last year, during my first semester of college, someone from one of my programming classes started to talk to me more often, and we ended up really getting along and becoming good friends. They had no idea who I was, and yet they gave me a chance and we both ended up benefitting from it.
That’s an example of a nice person. Someone who sees a person with no friends and doesn’t assume that they deserve it. Some people just don’t know how to navigate the social world and need a little help to come out of their shell.
It’s the same when you try to do something nice for the homeless
I became friends with someone who, by their own claim, had only one friend who lived six hours away. I got pretty close with her and her friend and ended up falling completely head over heels for her friend. Luckily for me, she fell in love with me too and we started dating. Then, over the following several months, the original friend A. Found out we were dating, B. Admitted to my now girlfriend that she was in love with her, and C. Spent a couple months calling her almost every day trying to convince her to break up with me and date her instead, despite the fact that she isn’t even a LITTLE interested in doing so. Not exactly a great friend for either of us.
“Make friends with the weird people” they say, “they can be really fun”. Then they meet me.
The real hurt is realizing you are that loner and coming to terms with all of your flaws that causes you to be in that situation to begin with.
Feels bad dude.
While I certainly agree with this currently, as a lot of very hateful idiots are pushing away anyone around them that doesn’t worship D.T., there are a LOT of VERY GOOD people who don’t have a single friend for no fault of their own. Most people are just terrible people these days, many proud of it.
Oh yes..