it do be like that tho Last updated: March 18, 2025 4:49 am By s1n0d3utscht3k Share Memes 7 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 7 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Mister-SS 9 hours ago The American version of this was old school Four Loko before it got banned JINJIYY 9 hours ago it really do be like that sometimes theSPYDERDUDE 8 hours ago I drank two bottles of the lychee flavor once. Not my best idea, but it was fucking delicious TheWellFedBeggar 8 hours ago One of my most fun nights in Korea was myself and 2 friends, 12 bottles of soju, and karaoke. One of my worst memories of Korea is the following morning when I had to pack up my dorm and get back to Seoul for my flight home. goodbye_weekend 9 hours ago Plum wine? K__Geedorah 9 hours ago Well, the bottom bracket in this image is like 80% of the drink. So yeah, drink that much of any bottle and you’ll end up like that. designerlemons 7 hours ago Haaaaaaaaang upp deeeeeee fonnneeeee SearchSearchRecent PostsBiebrza’s frozen golden fields [OC] [3840ร2560] No way he taught I could actually pull someone That one friend They say this and think it’s a solution. Alabama Hills, CA [OC] [4253×5291] Recent Comments
The American version of this was old school Four Loko before it got banned
it really do be like that sometimes
I drank two bottles of the lychee flavor once. Not my best idea, but it was fucking delicious
One of my most fun nights in Korea was myself and 2 friends, 12 bottles of soju, and karaoke.
One of my worst memories of Korea is the following morning when I had to pack up my dorm and get back to Seoul for my flight home.
Plum wine?
Well, the bottom bracket in this image is like 80% of the drink. So yeah, drink that much of any bottle and you’ll end up like that.
Haaaaaaaaang upp deeeeeee fonnneeeee