it do be like that tho Last updated: March 18, 2025 4:49 am By s1n0d3utscht3k Share Memes 7 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 7 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Mister-SS 15 hours ago The American version of this was old school Four Loko before it got banned JINJIYY 15 hours ago it really do be like that sometimes theSPYDERDUDE 14 hours ago I drank two bottles of the lychee flavor once. Not my best idea, but it was fucking delicious TheWellFedBeggar 14 hours ago One of my most fun nights in Korea was myself and 2 friends, 12 bottles of soju, and karaoke. One of my worst memories of Korea is the following morning when I had to pack up my dorm and get back to Seoul for my flight home. goodbye_weekend 15 hours ago Plum wine? K__Geedorah 15 hours ago Well, the bottom bracket in this image is like 80% of the drink. So yeah, drink that much of any bottle and you’ll end up like that. designerlemons 13 hours ago Haaaaaaaaang upp deeeeeee fonnneeeee SearchSearchRecent PostsView of the Tihamah (coastal plain), Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia [OC] [3999 x 2407] On the descent from the Prebertorl pass, Austria [OC] (4160×3120) how is it goin america THAT, is why people call him a Nazi Legos sure were expensive Recent Comments
The American version of this was old school Four Loko before it got banned
it really do be like that sometimes
I drank two bottles of the lychee flavor once. Not my best idea, but it was fucking delicious
One of my most fun nights in Korea was myself and 2 friends, 12 bottles of soju, and karaoke.
One of my worst memories of Korea is the following morning when I had to pack up my dorm and get back to Seoul for my flight home.
Plum wine?
Well, the bottom bracket in this image is like 80% of the drink. So yeah, drink that much of any bottle and you’ll end up like that.
Haaaaaaaaang upp deeeeeee fonnneeeee