It does make sense

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Chinese system is best for computer searchable filing

Personally I prefer Minutes: Day: Year: Seconds: Hour: Month.

Year month day is the best format. Makes sorting files on computers a breeze as every year is in one block which is then in month and day order.

If i hear one more person talk about sorting stuff on pc i swear i’m gonna cause technical armageddon, bringing us back to the dark ages

Well, at least 12 days a year, the US falls into line with the majority of the world.

Yeah, because miles, yards, feet and inches makes so much sense

Chart needs a banana for scale.

YYMMDD is the best when naming digital documents. Otherwise I prefer DDMMYY because I can remember month and year, but need reminders for the day XD

I have to write 01/JAN/1969. Because no one has a consensus on anything

It’s a helmet đź’š

It’s ok. They can use it in whatever format they want. There are other things to worry about than how they write their date.

Depending on the ppw and which agency within the USA, the format can be YYYYMMDD, MMDDYY, or my favorite DDMMMYY (when writing on a form so there can be no mistakes). The first one first one seems best. DDMMYY and MMDDYY are interchangeable in my mind based on the country or culture. Why? Most Americans I know would verbally say January 15th, 2025. So naturally they think MMDDYY since it’s how they speak.

All the homies use ISO 8601

Glad to see we are fighting the most important battles still as a civilization

I personally prefer year-month-day so that ‘alphabetical’ ordering is also chronological.

In the military we use: 15JAN2025

It’s horrifyingly simple.

DD/MM/YY is ideal for day-to-day use.

YYYY/MM/DD is ideal for archiving.

MM/DD/YY is ideal… never

I will write MM/DD/YY till I die, but I have to admit that DD/MM/YY is definitely more logical.

MDY is just stupid.

I know logically that DD/MM/YY makes the most sense, but my brain is so used to MM/DD/YY that the other systems throw me off. Definitely think they should be teaching it as DD/MM/YY though.

Just use the 3 letter shortened months (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc) and there’s no more confusion if it’s date then month or vice versa.

for all of the people in the comments as an Iranian we write it like that because we write right to left except for numbers so when you read it in the middle of a sentence it is ddmmyy

and for the idiot saying why do people care its because we enjoy watching or reading media and understanding what date its referring to and all of the world understands small to big you need to know English and “how you say dates in English” to understand why you order it that way (which most of the time you also say 10th of December and stuff)

In Monke^1 we trust

ISO 8601 or epoch!

Aviation lags a lot of things largely because of history, but using date and time from largest to smallest has been around that sector for a long time. It makes the most sense. Year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Start broad and narrow it down.

Works well sorting dates chronolgically on computers which run our lives, too.

I don’t get the American system that starts with month. I had to dealt with it on a computer system and is infuriating that someone thinks makes sense

US is going to US.

My favourite part about this is that whenever I work with US based companies and they send files sorted by date they always use YYMMDD (same as we do).

So clearly Americans are capable of adapting how they sort dates when needed. They just refuse to understand things when an employer isn’t hounding them to do so it seems.

Haha USA dumb

Extending the argument that people say January 15th , so write it as 01/15/2025

When the time is quarter past 12., do Americans write 1/4, 12?

Thanks to USA and their need to be contrarian, I have to check dates twice to ensure I’m reading it correctly. And sometimes it takes even longer when the day is <= 12

If you cant figure out international dates you most likely enjoy the taste of paste as an adult.

One thing the MM/DD/YYYY format has going for over DD.MM.YYYY it is sortabilty and searching, but then again so does YYYY/MM/DD.

I name files in my computer with year-month-day followed by a name, so they will sort chronologically. A friend of mine on a Drive we share uses month (eg January, versus 01), date, then year, so February 12, 2024 comes before February 17, 2023, and December 1, 2024 comes before November 30, 2024, and it makes scanning the folder looking for a file frustrating.

I get the feeling this is why people thought the 1/4 Pounder weighed more than the 1/3 pounder.

the American way makes sense when you realize most times the year isn’t required, but you can get very specific with the time, down to the millisecond, Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Millisecond, and all of those are in descending order, it’s very useful for describing a point in time in extreme detail

Feel like a lot of the world’s languages the translation to English to the question “what’s the date?” would be “the 15th of October” whereas in America we always say “October 15th”.

Maybe that’s why, idk…

Edited for clarity is how I label all my files so I can sort alphabetically by date.

We in the US don’t like pyramid schemes

What date was the Declaration of Independence?
If you say the 4th of July, 1776 – then you know the correct date format is DD/MM/YYYY

MM/DD/YY left to right smallest potential number to largest potential number with the most relevant information for filing month and year at the start and end to easily find. Other systems are designed for dolphins and not humans and should be ignored

year/month/day is a breeze. month/day/year hurts my brain.

For day to day use day/month/year flows nicely

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