It happens, and It will happen

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My biggest downfall is anxiety for no reason and I realized it’s not scary to open the floodgates sometimes. No more restricting yourself means you get to be genuine, that’s a special thing to have with someone.

Jesus Christ, this mentality is so toxic, take care of your mental health bros.

bro, ew.

Sometimes, being honest feels like playing with fire, but itโ€™s the only way to know if someone will truly catch you when you fall.

Ya if you choose a bad partner – but thatโ€™s on you.

Only if she is toxic as well

This meme shows us 2 emotional toddlers. Easy.

How is this helpful?

I kinda took mindset that you got the load off and it shouldnt bother you that much anymore. After all none us aint main characters and no one isnt really that invested on half random people.

yโ€™all need to go to therapy lol

Never been in a relationship, so I can’t relate.

Made the mistake, so i’ll spoil what happen.
Best case scenario, opening up won’t change anything, nothing will get better but nothing will get worse either.
Worst case scenario, she will use it against you in a twisted way that will make you pause for a sec wondering if she really just said what she just said because of how fucked up it is.

Donโ€™t glorify this behavior

If you feel like anyone you open up with will eventually use it against you, thatโ€™s more on you than them

But I thought men wanted women to ask them what was wrong and for them to be more open?

Then, one day, that dude will have more than enough inside him it will explode in some violent manner and the moment he is captured, his first words will be “there was no one around to help me”.

I used to say that people had The Sonic the Hedgehog Syndrome, a made up thing when someone pretend his mental issues is what makes him cooler, the pain is just evidence of his resilliance and no one will take away his “coolness” with therapy or even listening, i called it like that because in older Sonic games, the treatment he gave to Amy Rose or other characters was just… that, mr. cool too good to get help, who needs help when you can run faster than anyone?

I feel this, but not to someone I’m in a relationship with and not because I think they’ll use it against me.

I just don’t want people to treat me differently because they feel bad or feel like they’re forced to listen to my problems. I’m fine with just keeping it to myself.

Ahhh relationships withouth love

Do you just not trust any partner?

who hurt you

Itโ€™s one of the reasons I remain single

Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel


So f..king true

Well, enjoy being single in the future

Of course you should be able to handle your mental stability yourself, as mature person.

Do you want to achieve self-sufficient in that? You can try, but it’s not for everyone.

This is the most incel shit Ive ever seen. I broke down into tears and a full breakdown in front of my friends and Ive done it in front of my fiance. Grow up you fucking weirdos.

Being a real man is accepting you have emotions and showing them.

Then, one day, that dude will have more than enough inside him it will explode in some violent manner and the moment he is captured, his first words will be “there was no one around to help me”.

I used to say that people had The Sonic the Hedgehog Syndrome, a made up thing when someone pretend his mental issues is what makes him cooler, the pain is just evidence of his resilliance and no one will take away his “coolness” with therapy or even listening, i called it like that because in older Sonic games, the treatment he gave to Amy Rose or other characters was just… that, mr. cool too good to get help, who needs help when you can run faster than anyone?

>I literally don’t know the difference between a single manipulative person and every woman on the planet

Weird little misogynistic flex, but whatever.

Dayum, im dead

I tell nothing to anyone and always stay anonimus
(I say i mispel on purpos so no one knows i cannont spele)

At least they choose to close themselves off

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