It happens sometimes… 🤷

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I’ve never seen a person complain with the threat of leaving, I always just see the complaints of people who watch their favorite subreddits die or change unfavorably. I’m probably not looking hard enough if people are making Family Guy memes about it /s

Where meme?

Complains about reddit but ends up being one of the reasons they say reddit is bad imagine

The irony.

This isn’t much a meme, but a diatribe.

My mind read the post in Brian and Quagmire’s voices lol

I ain’t readin allat

Sure it’d a radical hellscape with schizo posts but that just means you can meme the *fuck* out of them and troll with impunity. It’s fun.

The real punchline is that the dog is a Russian chatbot.

DIA – Do It Already

Too long, fell asleep

Reddit is alright

Though it has changed a bit in the past twenty years, first few years we had a little more edgy humour compared today

I’d say I had more positive interactions than bad. What I like about r/memes is whenever a political meme left/right is posted everyone from both political sides boo it and *I think that’s just amazing*

Keep it up fellows

I mean, but the porn..

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