it hits hard

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Be glad you still have them.

This Tuesday I cried a lot, my grandfather died, but I didn’t cry for him, I cried for my father and the suffering he was going through, and these days I was thinking about what I was going to suffer when my father died.

At some point, you become the parent for your parents. And it sucks.

My parents died of cancer already. The feeling is hard to describe when your parents are gone, it’s like a sinking lonely empty feeling – even when you’re an adult in your 30’s. You could have the best of friends and the best wife ever, but when parents are gone or reality sets in about them getting old, it’s a weird hold or wound that I’ve never heard anyone talk about before – It’s like you have to experience it for yourself to know it exists…

It’s when you realize not just your parents watching you grow up, you’re also watching them grow up.

Don’t make me think of that 😔


Do like me, have your parents pass away when you’re young, speedrun depression!

Jokes aside, spend time with them. Tell them what you’ve always wanted to and ask them things you want to know while you can. Cherish what you have <3

Seeing my mom getting weaker from day to day hurts my hearth. She is 72 years old now. She realize now for herself that the time is come to take help from me. My mom was the last years to proud for take help from me.

Weird because I stumbled upon a community that they do not want to take responsibility of their aging parents by taking care of them because their whole lives have a lot of oppurtunities being offered and they don’t want to be held back. They are mostly Gen Z’s, who are actually around my age. 😞

Yes, and saw them getting old, when you’re abroad, thousand of km/miles away, that’s hurt, so please if you have you’re parent in the same town, or at least the same country, visit them, and hug them, no matter what they must have done wrong, were going to make mistakes with our children, so please go and hug them, or at least tell them I love you

A reminder to give them more hugs, more time, and more love while we can

My mom is literally my best friend. I swear we can communicate telepathically if we tried, we’re practically the same person. I’m deathly afraid of not having her around anymore, it would be like losing half of me.

Growing up my dad was the strongest person I knew. He could lift anything, fix anything, and be the most stoic person in the room. That was until my mom died at 56. I’m 32 and sold my house to move back home with him and now I see that he’s getting old. But he goes to the gym with me and today helped me work on my truck. I can see the toll life has taken on him from working in coal mines and being a mechanic but that doesn’t seem to slow him down. I think that age doesn’t make a difference if you have the right mindset and seeing your parents get old is a blessing. I wish I could has seen my mom 20 years from now.

“We” are getting old…

at some point you will reach the age your parents were when you were a child

Ha my parents will never get old there to dead for that

Feel lucky that you have such great parents that you will miss them when they die. Some of us blow out our birthday candles wishing for ours to push up daisies. Cherish and love your parents for whatever time you have left, you are one of the blessed.

You too

Cutting onions…cherish them daily while u have them, if possible make babies and give them the trophy B4 it’s 2 late cuz when they pass u will think of their food and memories

Ooh, upcoming competitor for jake paul!

Wanna know what happens next?

I immigrated last year for a better job and am considering going back to my country for a shitty life just to not miss out on my parents getting older. Hug yours whenever you can, homies

Mine are also getting old 🎉✨

Spend the time that is left with them❤️

thats what happens.

*psssst… so are you…*

Don’t remind me

It’s a rough thing. My dad just turned 57 today. My mom been gone for 4 years. Enjoy them while you can

Hulk in a Hulk hat meme.

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