It only took 7 days for this to age like milk, same user.

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I was hopeful that they had woken up a little bit. Looking at that thread upset me

The other part of the conversation:

“Hitler did a lot of good things. He was a vegetarian, did you know that? No vegetarian can be evil”

These people are just gaslighting to get into power where they will take the US apart like old kindling.

Nov. 17, 2023: [Elon Musk agrees with antisemitic X post that claims Jews ‘push hatred’ against White people](

May 3, 2024: [Elon Musk says he will reinstate X account of antisemite Nick Fuentes](

Dec. 22, 2024: [Elon Musk courts Europe’s surging far right](

Jan. 9, 2025: [Musk interviews German far-right frontwoman](

I love the comments on that thread like people loved Elon before. Like dude has been hated for years even before his Twitter purchase.


Guess who Trump pardoned today…
comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca2b630168508a94aa07decab6dc92ded14a870

I can’t imagine how this is going to develop.

It’s bold of you to assume Republicans have a problem with Hitler.

Look at the ratios. 

That sub ain’t changing. Heck the very idea that sub is based on is doubling down on what’s always been.

>The extent to which some of those on the other side of the aisle genuinely believe there is a comparison to be made

These are people who compare Democrats to communists EVERY DAY on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE.

It aged like milk and it’s cheese now.

I looked at the thread to see the rest of OOP’s edit and… ouch… reading the comments is so painful.

“The ADL said it wasn’t.”

They also say there isn’t a genocide occurring in Palestine.

Everyone tried to warn them and they wouldn’t listen

Sadly r/conservative is just people gloating and calling it the Roman, or Elon, salute.

We tried to tell them. They didn’t listen. Guess who’s fault that is.

Here’s a hint: it’s not ours.

To all the people who decided not to vote for Kamala for whatever paltry reason:

Your non-vote was essentially a vote for Trump, so I hope yall are happy ‘teaching the Dem party a lesson’ or whatever… cause the Dem oligarchs are not gonna suffer anyway fyi
Just you

The replies in that post are brain dead my god

His own Vice President called him Hitler, why is he talking about dems instead of that?


Well I see that the Republicans are starting to grow some brain cells, that’s a start.

They won’t. Hate of the left and others is all that matters

We need to arm ourselves, protect your families and communities ❤️

Musk is clearly testing the waters, and it seems that most Republicans “pass” his vibe check. Doing a sieg heil is just showing love guys!

There is no saying in what we will witness in the coming years. I think a lot of people will skip the States for at least four years.

On the one hand, I hope nothing bad comes within the next four years. On the other, I hope things go so wrong that even those hard headed twithead finally getting their “find out” moments.

Imagine how scary it will be for them when people actually react to fascism.

Why did they spell Adolf like that?

They refuse to learn history and then don’t know what to do when history repeats itself

Reading the edits on that post is absolutely insane.

It’s just watching confirmation bias in real time

The amount of mental gymnastics in that subreddit is crazy. I get deep throating Trump’s rhetoric and making excuses but this is simply insane.

This kind of stuff is banned here heads up.

I’m the kind of person who buys milk on sale, forgets about it, and then wonders what that smell is turns out it’s my life decisions aging like a fine cheese.

Trust me, if you think your week was rough, just remember some folks still think their VHS tapes are coming back in style!

Is this the start of a redemption arc?

Literally day one…

Elon managed to cement his position as the latest version of Henry Ford.

Smells like hyprococy

Has anyone else noticed the wall of posts of this have been dropped from r/all?

I was scrolling (and definitely on all) and it was 75% of posts and now it’s closer to 10% in a span of 2 hours. I guess that can be attributed to an algorithm pushing new content but I’m just surprised by the jump.

(No need to the knee jerk comments about obvious stuff. I do want to hear input on this though.)

Seems to be following the boys script to the T

Oh I thought it was weird this sub had a hiatus after the election saying it’s not for political topics and they’d all be banned. I remember thinking “oh, I guess I misremembered the notifications, I’m glad somewhere isn’t playing into it” guess that thought r/agedlikemilk

Musk saluting Hitler would just make the republican party love him more. We’re done assuming that they’re going to reject fascism.

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