It seems like Americans would love it I know I’d buy it

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All Americans that visit Canada are terrified about what such a dish would do to their countrymen that we just keep it quiet.

You Americans donโ€™t have Poutine? Shrek may be love, but Poutine is LIFE

I didn’t know it wasn’t!

I’m so used to canada, where literally, every restaurant/fast food chain sells poutine.

You have not lived until you had Buffalo chicken poutine

Yes, Americans would totally dig it!

soon, comrades. soon

I periodically drive from Ohio to Ontario just to get some. The customs agents look at me like Iโ€™m crazy when I tell them what Iโ€™m doing.

I went to Quebec for the first time last month on business and Iโ€™ve been wondering this ever since.

Same reason why some Americans call friench fries freedom fries

This is genuinely a good question and I have no idea…

I love living on the Canadian border for just this reason!

I was very confued about poutine, then realised it was the canadian dish, not the irish illegal alchohol xP

Poutine is expensive af it really should be.

Get rid of the tariffs on Poutine imports!

Poutine is trash, thatโ€™s probably why

I live in the south where we love fried things covered in gravy, so it makes sense to us, but itโ€™s only just now starting to make its way down here. I first saw it down at a local Renaissance Fair two years ago, but I have seen it on a few menus since then.

Ok, see, I’m an American who has been in and out of Canada for close to 10 years. I understand our thing is chili cheese fries with bacon…but poutine is so good. Like you can have the og fries curds a d gravy or mix it up with taters chives and bacon and gravy. (More tatters please) so as an american, I prefer poutine, but i like that its in canada only. Americans would screw up the gravy or something.

What The Musk is Poutine

It’s everywhere, you just need to learn how to talk to girls.

I make it a point to try and convince the head chef of every restaurant I work in to add poutine to the menu. Iโ€™m doing my part

I hate poutine bc he’s destroying ukraine

Jersey has a poor manโ€™s version of it called Disco Fries. Fries, gravy, melted mozzarella cheese.

Because poutine is from roussiane

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