It seems that Elon also defrauds its customers with insurance..

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“Reuters paid hit-piece by Biden?” Lol these people are so fucking stupid. Elon could shit in his hat and tell them it’s cake and they’d eat it down.

“Turns out all those Reuters hit pieces were funded by the Biden administration”

The same administration that gave you corporate welfare in the form of government subsidies? Riiiiight.

Oh FFS, Reuters being one of the last remaining fucking outlets that ISN’T a paid for propaganda right-wing media capture project. Elon is a scumbag squared.

Delete your Twitter

Get off his stupid website

A family friend has for some reason doubled down on his fElon worship, which confused the hell out of me because this family friend despises Trump, but whatever. He is still waiting on his cybertruck, to which I said “you know nobody will insure that heap, right?” His response was “Tesla provides insurance!” I guess sometimes you just gotta let someone learn through experience. I am terrified tho that he’s going to turn on FSD and his avant-garde dumpster on wheels kills him. I’m really hoping that he never gets his cybertruck and they stop production and just give him back his 100k. Why anyone would spend that much money on a “vehicle” that the hotwheels version of is better built than the damn thing itself, you got me. I didn’t warn him about the high chances of people pointing and laughing, he’ll just have to experience that himself.

Free market conservative economics at work. Smell the conservative economics and embrace it consumer.

It’s unfortunate that major car companies have out Tesla-d Tesla on all of the things except the stupid dealership model.

It would greatly benefit the country if we got away from it.

There’s another one on my New Gilded Age bingo card. “Investigative Journalism Revealing Corrupt Practices in the Business Holdings of a Plutocrat.”

1) There will never be enough publicity, money, or adoration for Musk.
2) His fans are turning into a cult (if they weren’t already)
3) Somehow, no amount of evidence provided will show people that Musk is an idiot.

I can’t believe I ever believed in this douche bag. I was blinded by my desire to see us go to mars and own a full self driving car.

“Paid propaganda” squealed the man who pretty much bought the election.

If they’re willfully a customer of Leon, they honestly deserve to be defrauded.

If you’re stupid enough to buy a product from muskrat, then tough shit. Lie in your bed.

My God, do I hate Republicans.

Companies defrauding customers isn’t exactly new, but this one hits differently given the hype around Elon.

As long as the information is true, it is not relevant who paid for the investigation.

Payed propaganda? That’s really coming from this sack of shit

Let’s not forget the 736 autopiloting crashes including 11 reports of striking parked emergency vehicles and 17 deaths.

It’s always funny to me how these types think the Biden administration is secretly behind everything pulling strings yet at the same time they’re so incompetent they’re screwing up the nation. The level of cognitive dissonance required to hold those two points of view simultaneously is genuinely baffling

An insurance ceo you say?

Watch muskrat start labelling Reuters as “pedos” any minute now…

So independent investigative journalism without bias must be because of the Biden Administration according to Leon, eh?

Jesus, what a weird little man. From his social media activity I am beginning to believe he is both a fearful paranoid and a raging narcissist at the same time.

Elon musk. Buying politicians and presidents… because he can

Elon Musk is a terrorist.

You will never have 400+ billion dollars unless you are a manipulative scumbag just like Elon, the greediest liar in existence that we know of. He is exactly the idiot savant rich villain overlord all the cartoons warned us about as kids.

He keeps getting caught being himself. That’s why he needed Trump to win so he can get a pardon if his full shenanigans are uncovered.

its crazy what this mother fkr does
he posts something from one of his bot accounts
then retweets it as if it is a general consensus
and he is the richest guy in human history
we are living in the weirdest of timelines

No. Say it aint so.

You don’t get rich by writing checks. And he’s the richest, why is anyone surprised that its all about profits?

Link to article(s)?

Don’t worry, DOGE would do away with those pesky regulatory agencies.

Businesses can manage themselves responsibly as the past has shown. /s

I do not believe him at all.

Tesla’s don’t meet underwritng guidelines at the major carrier I work for and the other companies are doing the same.

Remember when Elon said Trumps HAD to win or he (Elon) would be in a lot of trouble?

THE only reason Elon Musk has cozied up to Trump is all the legal cases Musk expects in his future. Time and time again what seems like a benevolent, wildly successful and well idolized person in America turns out to be another scum person who likely cut corners to enrich himself, and is likely liable for damages to numerous people. It’s only a matter of time before the public gets to know all the suppressed illegalities and harm, that is if Trump doesn’t step it and bury them deeper

He’s a petty little bitch boy

That muskrat better NOT come for effing Reuters. I’m so tired of him and his whole damn family.

Who knows maybe they’ll get picked for 1m dollars

“Investigated” isn’t “found evidence of” sonwhen you write an article about things you couldn’t prove, or find evidence of, that’s called propaganda.

The fucking audacity of this little bitch to literally buy the election then call something ELSE paid propaganda

They come after Trump. They’ll go after anyone associated with him.

Delete Xitter and stop sharing other people’s tweets.

What is it they teach us in the third grade? *Correlation does not equal causation*…


Does “funded by the Biden administration” here mean “the government protecting consumers and workers”?

He doesn’t even know how Reuters works? Does this guy know anything about how this country actually works? This is why we shouldn’t have foreigners in our government.

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