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Is this murder happening on an e-reader?

The lightly confrontational vibe of using his name at the end of each one is just some beautiful icing on the cake.

She really pegged him.

Dear Rob,

If you’re not looking for a party animal, block her and move on.

It’s not difficult. You don’t have to engage with every person you see online that looks attractive.

Oof. An assassination. *chef’s kiss*

I’m 6’2 and married, but if I ever… EVER need to go on a dating site, I’m putting “5’7 in heels” in my profile. That made me laugh out loud.

Good lord, that man had to be rushed to the burn unit after that. Finally some good fucking murdering.

The guys game needs work lol. His opening line is the verbal version of “hey, you can’t park there.” What an ass.

She can fix me. :3

relevant xkcd.

Notice Robs comments too.

A thing I’ve noticed about insecure people is that when they write chat or comments out, nearly every sentence they say starts or ends with ‘lol’ or ‘haha’

It’s like, they want to be a bully, but this conversational tactic of adding ‘lol’ allows them to backtrack and claim everything was just a joke.

It’s like they want to be the alpha bully, but the reality is they’re snivelling cowards. And this conversational behaviour is one of their tells.

That’s not just a murder, it’s a cremation!

He doesn’t like this game now. I’m screaming 😭

Poor Rob. He was so sure whe was the one who just needed a big,.strong, Alpha to show her the joys of being a tradwife.

He could have asked to meet for coffee but oh well. Good for you

OPs entire comment history is deleted and at last one of them was flagged as a bot. Probably a real screenshot, definitely not OPs.

Dude got incinerated.

You had me at “I’m pegging you..” when are you free?

He couldn’t have kept a girl like her entertained for long anyway.

there’s the murder and the funeral service here

I’d want to bludgeon myself with a hammer strictly from the lol haha lol haha after every single message.

She forgot the “haha”. Other than that 10/10.

Man, we come across so many posts of this type; incels are multiplying rapidly, but all i see is a generation of dudes with zero game. If women don`t want to date you, thats on you.

I don’t know if they are both right, they might be. But I do know she was lol

A recovery could have been “You had me at pegging.” Just to throw her for a loop.

Otherwise Rob needs to stop being a lil bitch

Did this person just set up his own trap? Yes that person did.

I’m not sure what Rob was going for, but she absolutely fucking obliterated him for trying it.

I know guys like this. Their strategy is “I’m making you a candidate for me, but I’m not sure you’re qualified. Prove yourself to me and I’ll give you the honor of consideration.”

I’ve never seen this work in real life.

I know it’s what a lot of internet culture tells men to do, but women are getting really tired of negging and everything that comes close.

He really didn’t come out strong and she could smell the fear…

Ya dodged an incel, ma’am. Well done on the absolutely roasting.

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