It was just a joke … but it aged poorly

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Plot twist: the E.U.’s Russian fossil fuels purchases exceeded the contributions to Ukraine.

It was never 100% a joke, it was kinda dark humor and us trying to pretend a very real, looming possibility WAS just a joke

but oopsie

Im not going to a war for a man who was draft dodger

Plot twist.

I’m old, with a bad knee. I’m not getting drafted to anything. Have fun though

If it gets to that I am willing to take arms to defend my homeland Canada.

“I don’t want to fight NATO!”

I’m too fuckin’ old, so y’all have fun!

Can’t get drafted when I’m already serving 🤷

Im here for a good time not a long time 

Can someone enlighten me?

Jokes on them, I’m 37 years old and already served 5 years of active duty, so I’m safe. Got to say, I do kind of miss Iraq and Afghanistan, the bases there were actually pretty interesting to be at.

Lmao high five to the mentally and physically unstable!! We good!

Europe is in for a wild time

Plot twist: it won’t be a world war this time, it will be the 2nd American civil war.

All pro-ukrainers should be on the frontline if that happens.


Can’t get drafted if you say you’re trans, right?

Nobody is gonna wanna fight for him and his stupid war. Maybe he can draft all his stupid magats to go for him?

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