Italian Photographer Waits 6 Years to Get Perfectly Aligned Photo of the Moon, a Mountain, and a Basilica

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This shot should be in every textbook on focal length compression.

How often do the mountain and basilica align?

Imagine it was a cloudy night. I’d lose my shit.

They should have tried photoshop, it’s quicker

I don’t think ive ever seen the moon that large

It was 6 months in the last post. Quit reposting bullshit

Six yrs for that shot? That photographer must have a serious commitment to perfection or a deep love for waiting for the perfect moment. Either way, this moon’s got better timing than most of us

I’m amazed. Great photograph.

This is Atlixco, MX! Incredible alignment of giants. That church is on a former pre-Columbian pyramid with the PoPocatepetl volcano in the back

This photo proves that good things really do come to those who wait

Worth it.

I thought the optical illusion of the moon showing up larger, didn’t show up in cameras?

Can’t believe he stood there for 6 years for this

I’m picturing the basilica in Beneath a Scarlet Sky

And then it’s cloudy 😆


Did he wait six years or did he come up with the idea and then go do it six years later because if he just sat there for six years that’s a bit of a wasted life

How is the moon that big?

How far away would he have had to be when he took this picture?

Bet they’re glad it was a clear night

Nice photoshop job here. The moon never looks that big from Earth.

Did the photographer also shoot the moon with a sniper rifle to make it big? For those of you who didn’t get it, it’s a GTA San Andreas reference

Did he use a potato to take the picture or has this just been reposted too many times.

Freaking worth it.

That’s truly epic

PAC-MAN looking a bit thin. Eat yo’ dots, PAC!

The moon hungers


This isn’t the moon, it’s the dissipating radient forcefield that was lifted. Don’t try to play me.

Yup, I am amazed

What mountain is that?

And then decided to use an IPhone 3 to take the picture ?!

That is Awesome

It’s a little off centre. Should’ve waited a few more years

Credit to the photographer: Valerio Minato.

What an amazing shot and even more impressive dedication *to* the shot!! Bravo!

Imagine if it was cloudy

Yeah most people don’t know this, but Terraria caves actually are canonically in Italy

That’s a long time to wait in the same spot

6 years?

The basilica is slightly more to the right, but I won’t be the one to tell him.

erd tree vibes

Gives Aria of Sorrow vibes.

Imagine this shot comes around and the guy sneezes or realizes he forgot to turn the camera on or something frustratingly stupid happens

That’s just Pac-Man dying

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