It’s a Nobel effort

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And this will probably go no where because their base is full of ignorant bastards at the bottom of the shit pile and I guarantee most of them donโ€™t even know what Nobel Laureate is

Buckle up, the US is gonna go off the tracks and then the conservatives are blaming everyone but themselves.

All this will do is push the MAGA idiots to quadruple down on it.

What do they hate more than anything?

Those pesky “smart” people with their PHDs and book learnin’ edumakations telling them what to do.

Won’t the repudiation of RFK Jr by 75 Nobel Laureates strengthen his chances of being confirmed? The anti-intellectuals in the Republican base will demand it, won’t they?

RFKJ hasn’t taken office yet, but the threat of him having a role in public healthcare motivated me to get 3 vaccinations last week.

Unfortunately our king does not listen nor care about the American People. Enjoy the coming deaths and illness for generations to come. We the people did this to ourselves by caring more about hating each other versus loving our country as a whole and living up to the UNITED part in the name.

Unfortunately there is no vaccination against ignorance and stupidity.

Prepare for the attack on the Nobel prize.

To get this done, you will need more than 75 WWE wrestlers to urge senators not to vote for RFK Jr.
This is who they listen to now.

Brain worm here. Heโ€™s definitely qualified.


Why not go full Nobel and throw some dynamite in the mix.

yeah, if the smart people said donโ€™t do it iโ€™m pretty sure the republicans will definitely make it happen. might be time for some reverse psychology.

What an absolute fall from grace the Kennedys have done since JFK. It’s saddens me to know that this is his legacy…….

A bunch of smart people telling Trump he shouldn’t do something? I’m sure they’ll get the result they expect…

As someone not from the us i really pity the people who didn’t vote for the dictator orange, but i am also curious of how it will develop. Same with the nutjob who doesn’t wash his hands and doesn’t believe in germs.

It is just so exciting. It’s like intelectual limbo and nobody thought it would even be possible to go that low, and then the us goes even lower than before.

And i want to repeat that i am sorry for the normal people living there and i dread the international followups of this desaster…

It wonโ€™t matter. Facts donโ€™t matter. Truth doesnโ€™t matter. Itโ€™s just a cult of personality

Donโ€™t worry theyโ€™ll just call the Nobel *woke* and *a liberal propaganda award* or some shit like that and proceed on with their day. He will probably most likely get confirmed because the Rโ€™s and some Dโ€™s too are all slave no spine

This is going to be a rough four years.

It won’t make a bit of difference. Trump is appointing these people not because they’re good but because they’re so bad. This is a loyalty test for the house and senate: anyone who votes against his picks will never see any advancement.

Trump is completely detached from everyday concerns โ€“ he sits on a golden toilet. It doesn’t matter to him what these people do, his money insulates him from any impact of his appalling policy decisions.

Why is the left (we) so obsessed with strongly worded letters while getting jack shit done? Why are we still appealing to decency?

Instead of going, “huh, these smart people all think this is a bad idea. Maybe they can anticipate this is a bad idea.” They’ll just claim something about a deep state and how they’re being oppressed.

Education is the enemy of the MAGAs, after all.

And it wonโ€™t matter one fucking bit.

Imagine being in one of the most famous families in American history and the only thing you’re gonna be remembered for is causing the smartest doctors in the world to band together against you because you’re dipshit.

That’s counterproductive. Actual experts are the enemy to maga, so this is just a gold star for jr.

Trump knows better then 75 noble winners duh /s

That’s Alfred E. Neumann, from MAD Magazine.

” What, me worry ?”

Are we sure he isnโ€™t a CEO?

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