It’s a sad time to be American : /

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Sadly I see a lot of US Americans siding with Russia’s narrative, too.

In fairness, when was it not a sad time to be an American?


Yes, you are!

Wait till Americans find out about Nazis plaguing NATO leadership in hopes of fighting the Soviet Union. (Hans Speidel, Adolf Heusinger)

Wait till Americans find out that the Nazi party was in American politics during the 1920s and 1930s. (The German American Bund)

Wait till they find out Nazi ideology rooted from colonial expansion and genocide of native America’s, specifically the reservations seemed neat to the Nazis.

Wait till they find out apartheid in south Africa is rooted from Jim Crow era legislation and was strongly advocated by Elon’s grandfather (Joshua n haldeman) an out spoken racist.


Even the worst republicans honored our allies n the past. It is a sad state that as an American I am not able to even tolerate its policies. This is NOT my president or my values.

MASA – Make America Sad Again

We sided and helped a country that slaughtered +50,000 civilians

I believe Canada should stay independent

Believe me, it only compounds on *everything else happening all at once*

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You are going to need a way bigger button to list all the things we wish our Country wasnt doing right now

I’m horrified and disgusted

I’m glad a lot of people are posting stuff like this. But we need more people out in the streets. Protest on social media will not fix this problem.

I’m not gonna lie i can’t wait to leave this country. I’ll wish yall the best though!

Then take your country back from the facists.

They’re coming for my European ass 😭

Yeah, like wtf is happening right now?

I honestly don’t see why the US sides with anyone. We can’t even take care of our own people. But, as soon as any European or Asian country needs help or invading… We kick the door down and America the fuck out of everyone… Yet, we are trillions in debt and we argue over basic human rights and make our own people homeless.


I wish 96 countries in the UN didn’t vote to continue the war in ukraine.

We told you this would happen. Every country in the world told you if Trump was elected president, he would try and dismantle NATO, isolate the US from its allies, and strengthen its ties to Russia, China, and North Korea. We told you this, and you, as Americans, collectively said that this is what you wanted. Sorry, I don’t have any sympathy for MAGATs with buyers remorse, and if you’re not someone who voted for Trump, I’m sorry you hsve to live with it. If you thought you’d be clever and vote third party or write in; i hope you’re happy with the events you helped put into motion. The rise of fascism in the US is as much on you as it is with MAGA

I wish I was fucking dead

Yeah, well I really wish Germany and the UK weren’t jailing people for sharing Facebook posts while letting rape gangs take over entire towns but here we are.

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