it’s amazing how trump got so many people to follow and join in on his cult…

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comment image?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4650334f79a10e6283f556adcf16db8736e143

Why are Americans so gullible? Trump’s a convicted felon but they voted for him anyway.

He’s probably not the true Antichrist based on the prophecy but he is certainly a political Antichrist. Basically everything he does and advocates for is directly against the teachings of Jesus. He is one of the false prophets we were warned about.

Trump is the most successful chaos magician of all time. He manifested his own reality and impressed it on enough people to make it true. The hand motions, the tone of voice, the misdirection are all dark forces and he uses them at a high level. It’s truly predatory cult leader shit.

comment image?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40926ad399b18a6fb3dd3de7898af2542535d0c

WHERE can I get this sticker?????

He’s always been this ‘kardasihan for business men.’ It’s sad.

It’s not just his brainwashed followers. It’s also the people that didn’t vote cause they believe some of his lies too.

It’s beyond me when people put crap like this on their car. I would worry about getting keyed. I know I’ve seen some bumper stickers and it crossed my mind to vandalize their cars. I don’t do it, but it doesn’t mean someone else won’t.

Bet you won’t put it on your car

Trump is a cu*t

After spending any amount of time on Reddit I’ve learned every political ideology/candidate is a cult seeing it during the election cycle where everyone blindly upvoted and praised everything the dems were doing while shitting on everything the republicans were doing like it’s an echo chamber cult as well just people on both sides can be obnoxious as hell with this blind hatred for the other side

It’s an indictment of the American education system, which is only slated to get incredibly worse. Yay.


It’s easy when you tell people what they want to hear, no matter if most of its lies.
And corporate media let Trump get away with all his lies.

Because people forget, that they’re large corporations that want tax cuts just like the billionaires.

There was a time when the three major networks ran a half an hour nightly news as a public service.
But cable turned news into a major industry running 24/7. And those corporations love paying lower taxes. Meaning you and I pay higher taxes to make up for it.

It’s not. This country is almost exclusively stupid people.

It’s actually not amazing. I’m very much not perplexed at all. The last several decades have shown us. When you add together racism, sexism, wealth gap, purposeful attack on education, fear, electoral college, inability to understand economics and which party is responsible, bipartisanism, social media bubbles, gerrymandering, complete lack of critical thinking, lobbyists, greed, unaccountability, voting out of familiarity, celeb worship, complacency, etc etc etc. I am very very very not surprised.

“Invent, promote, deny” is the default setting and amazing how easily it has worked….

“The Most Dangerous Superstition”… government.

Not amazing at all

He Lies every other sentence if not more often

He lies about accomplishments
He lies about his crimes
He lies about his opponents and slanders

He sets up networks and judges and congressional support all using lies

His mafia name Don is perfect

Then all the media supports his lies or is quiet and complicit

The Lies won. Not Trump

Lets hope in next four years some wake the hell up so we can start the cleanup
And lets hope the “experiment of dumbasses” is not too costly

The more costly the next round the uber wealthy may pay a huge burden for electing trump.

Seriously stupid means the pendulum swings back hard.

What’s blown me away is the “news” outlets and the religious aspect, and then add in the traitors to this nation…

Democrats did all the work

Stop the Ai invasion of this sub

AI subreddit. I’m against Trumpism, too, but these camera angles give it away.

Rent free!! Yet you’re good with an absentee president who has been cognitively unfit since day one.

It’s a Club. It’s only a “cult “ to you because you weren’t invited to join.

Yeah, us brown people got tired of Democrat politics.

Jesus chris you guys post the same thing every 20 minutes. We get it you’re crying trump won get over it.

If I help him, he’s going to help me!

If you are going to post them, link us to the store please. 😜

There’s a typo. L instead of N.

For anyone who puts this on their car, pics or it didn’t happen.

Get this AI shit out of here. This same white vehicle with the same angle has been reposted numerous times. It’s not hard to take pictures of actual bumper stickers

And just like that, r/Bumperstickers , was forever stuck in a political circle jerk.


Same as any other religion, especially Christian

Trumpism is a thing?

Ai and bots.. Holy cow its crazy.

I hope they realize he’s not doing anything for his voters but some are too dumb. Trying to take our social security and other safety nets for the poor. Huge scumbag

Its only amazing to those who lack the IQ to understand why we didn’t vote for Kamala, it’s also funny to me so many people won’t vote for trump just from their emotions, you cannot mix emotions with politics, your emotions will cloud your judgement, trump won this time because people saw how shit this country has been ran under Biden, and Kamala wasn’t going to do any better, if you really want to fix the country, stop voting Democrat.

It’s funny how many people believed that the dementia in chief is up to running the country and to anoint the brainless cackler to run and democrats vote for who they are told to

Just so I understand, more than half the country is in a cult? Where I’d the line drawn between the norm and a cult?


I know! It’s great!

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