It’s been a rough week, but I still got to celebrate 3 years on hormones! MtF

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Wow! I remember seeing your 1 year post! Congrats on 3 years!

Does this hurt anyone? No. Does it make your life better? Probably. Are we proud of you? Absolutely!

Holy shit itโ€™s been 3 years already?! Congrats

Iโ€™m still not sure why anyone has a problem with what you do but Iโ€™m old and donโ€™t understand much anymore. Young lady you are gorgeous. We see you and you exist and we are proud of you and I will protect you anyway I can.


Sorry for what you (and many others) are having to face right now, but I hope you can find way to keep smiling.

I hope youโ€™re feeling euphoric.

Just want you to know we love and support you here

First thing I noticed was your eyes! Not only are they beautiful, but you have much more light in them post transition! Hope this new week goes well for you.

damnn she aced both

Congratulations on 3 years I wish you many happy more being truly you !

you look so beautiful and congratulations. ๐ŸคŽ

Wow I would have honestly thought the first picture was your brother and never would have guessed you transitioned. You really can’t tell at all.

You are beautiful!

You look like the female version of the riddler from โ€the batmanโ€


Whatever your beliefs, ya gotta admit that hormones are fucking amazing. Glad you’re here with us. Yay science.


Youโ€™re GORGEOUS!

You look amazing!!

I am happy that you found your happiness ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

You look so good im jealous! May i ask, if you had permanent facial hair removal what you had done?

Your smile gets bigger and more confident in each snapshot. Heartwarming to see

You got this princess.


You’re one of the reddit celebs to me! I’ve seen your transition posts for the past couple years now and I’ll be looking forward to many more years ๐Ÿฅฐ

Why are we congratulating him on switching genders? What is this world?โ€ฆ.

dauym, I’d flirt.

Just finished 1 week myself! Celebration all around!

I love HRT photo progressions because it always feels like โ€œOh, there you are!,โ€ like slowly seeing someone for the first time rather than watching a change happen. You look so beautiful and happy.

Tf did u gain as a human being

A foot soldier in the Beautiful Resistance! Brave enough to show up and say โ€œNope, we are not going anywhere!โ€

Thank you for fighting! Your allies are here. We care. We will fight with you and for you!

You are strong, brave and HERE!

Honestly unless I saw the comparison like you showed, I wouldn’t have even know. Wish you tons of happiness in your path.

This is disappointing

Regardless of what the Cheeto-In-Chief says, YOU EXIST AND YOU ARE VALID.






Wow youโ€™re so beautiful!!!


GIRL. I can see the woman you are radiating out of all of your pictures. Congratulations, I hope you’re thriving.

Damn, you are beautiful. Please tell me you know you’re beautiful because wow ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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