its been a while…

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All I want is Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind with…
– Modern graphics
– New story
– Better combat

Don’t reinvent the effing wheel Bethesda!

I think more time have passed since this video and today than between Skyrim launch and this video.

I just hope lessons were learned with Starfield.

Jesus, has it really been that long?

I’m tired boss

The longer it doesn’t come out the more likely it is that people will hate it

If there’s not unarmed AND acrobatics you can miss me with it

wait for real? bruhh first time i saw this im still straight, now i shout Dovah’s chant with zestyness!

Super glad they postponed making it so we could get starfield

Are people still excited for ESVI? Based on experience, it’s not going to be good.

Daring today, aren’t we?

I feel like hope’s completely slipped away

Don’t worry, Obsidian is going to show them up again real soon.

Jesus Christ it has been 6 years already!?!?

well, the Fanbase deserved to be blueballed like that. They pretty much demanded a sign for a sequel (which obviously was gonna happen anyways). Even when presenting it, you could clearly hear the “will u guys shut up now”. they didnt show this to tease the game or show something. they did it so people would shut up about it for a while.

i have zero faith in Bethesda making it worth my time at this point

I’ve lost all hope 😔

I saw the top half and title and for a second I thought we had new news.

I think I’m more hopeful for The Wayward Realms now, but both would be good 🙂

Do we even know where it’s meant to be set? Or is it generic scenery?

Has it really been 6 whole years?

Elder Scrolls 6 before GTA 6?

It’s annoying they announced this so early but I do want them to take their time on it. So long as I’m still alive jeesh.

Has it really been that long?

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon is a good ride even if it’s in pre release, give a try to the demo.

I hate this.

4 more years fellas and the trailer will be 10 years old!!!

Honestly, six years ago, this scene was impressive. With all the technology advancements we’ve come up with though, this image now looks like dogshit

It Is almost certain the TES6 teaser will exist closer to the release of Skyrim than it does TES6.

This game will drop when Bigfoot is a zoo exhibit and aliens are peddling space meth to underprivileged teens


Dont remined me man i cant wait

At this point I am convinced that it’s either going to release and be a huge disappointment.
They are going to take their sweet time and release in another 6 or more years.

After Starfield, i’m waiting for actual players to get their hands on it before I get remotely excited.

It’s not even beautiful. It’s just procedurally generated crap they pooped out in a day because they knew Fallout 76 was going to crash and burn.

Coming 2030s.

So there’s one part of me that doesn’t even care anymore and there’s the other part that will completely lose my mind if it is announced

I would be more excited if it was gonna be more like Morrowind and less like Skyrim

Were actually not getting it this decade man

Why get excited for TES 6 when half this sub is gonna hate it for not being Oblivion, the other half will hate it for not being Skyrim, and then a bunch of internet bloggers who don’t even play games will hate it because its “gone woke.”

I pretty much never played any game made after 2018 until I bought elden ring this year and when I went back to playing Skyrim again as I usually do around Christmas my only thought is “wow they really don’t need to tweak anything with the mechanics, but holy s*** this stuff’s looking clunky at this point”

Yeah, and even after all that time, we still get clickbait articles with bugs headlines like, ELDER SCROLLS 6 UPDATE!!

They have not been cooking

Just hope that means they’re taking their time.

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