It’s best to consult with your co-president before making any statements

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Just like eight years ago when the corrupt billionaire said he’d drain the swamp of corrupt billionaires running the country. Yeah, that happened. NOT.

To me it’s fascinating how Trump managed to gaslight America into thinking that he was some kind of champion for the average Joe.

comment image?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394f77719b8353ff689260e8ae1aff04fc633b9a

I did not vote for this hot mess express

Maybe next election Americans will have a clue. In the mean time pass the pop-corn.

Every statement is a confession through gaslighting with smoke and mirrors.

Guys you should watch the clip. There are a couple of chuckles but in reality all the Republicans gave him a standing ovation at this point so a little inaccurate to make it seem the main reaction was laughter. He has the full backing of the right side of the aisle. There’s no point pretending that he’s getting laughed at while he’s literally fucking you in the ass.

“accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty”.

He literally says the opposite of what he’s doing

If he’s doing something…..the evil dems are doing it, not him

Yeah, that comment makes sense when your end goal is to make free and fair elections in the future obsolete, by converting the current system into a autocratic techno-fascist regime. Just saying that for once he isn’t lying there.

Hyperbole will never be a good arguments against your enemy.
Musk is horrible, but that post was only for likes.


It’s only a matter of time before he demands his face added to Mount Rushmore. Painted orange of course.

His entire speech was “America was being ripped off and destroyed until I arrived and did all this great stuff – the greatest stuff ever!”

lol I knew I heard laughter I thought I was trippin

How many of the cabinet cronies he appointed are elected?

This is an example of “being stupid is hard. But it’s harder on the people around you,” writ large.

Blink twice if the unelected bureaucrat is in the chamber with us right now

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