It’s cool, it only went through the part of my shoulder with all the nerves… I’ll shrug it off.

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Someone on Reddit detailed what they went through to recover from a gun-shot that didn’t hit anything “vital”. The thing is, they still had a bullet plow a little tunnel through their body, pulling all the bacteria from their clothings and such all the way through their body as well.

So the Redditor was telling about the semi-permiable drain tube that was run through their body to drain out any puss and infection that was starting to grow. It took about a week, IIRC, and then they pull the tube out, which is no picnic.

Most of those red areas are very survivable, but it’s painful and there’s always the risk of infection if you don’t get it treated right away. As long as they don’t hit an artery.

Needs one more tiny red spot on the ear

Don’t worry, just duck behind that wooden counter, the bullets don’t go through wood!

or Duck behind the plaster and wood beam wall, bullets don’t go through plaster walls!

or Duck behind a wooden bar, bullets don’t go through cheap wooden bars!

or Run down the street / alley / hallway, etc., you can outrun a gun man’s aim!

or Dive behind a couch, couches are bullet proof and the gunman can’t see you there!

I believe the whole leg should be red in the movies side. Seen too many thigh shots in a film people just ignore.

I’m pretty sure that tiny red spot on the thigh in the right half actually has a major nerve running near the surface. In martial arts we were shown how a blow there could take someone off their feet for a few mins. 

Safest place to get injured is probably the buttock. Large muscle mass with very few major organ structures running through it. Getting shot anywhere is probably going to have consequences, but taking it in the ass is the best case.

All those spots are quite survivable, and with enough adrenaline, you’ll stay in the fight. Plenty of soldiers have fought through hits in those areas and lived to tell the tail.

Apparently you can put a dot on the ear too

Inaccurate. Took a short 22 to the knee as a teen and was perfectly fine until I hit 30 when it started…. Oh. Yeah, you’re right.

Shoulder shots and hip shots can easily be fatal. They can bleed like crazy and they are difficult to control. Lower on the arm or leg there’s a chance we can use a tourniquet, but a shoulder or a hip, not so much.

I would like 50 cent to enter the chat

You missed the ear, ask Donald

“The fleshy part of the thigh.” Earn some street cred.

Trump got shot in the ear and survived without consequences. USA on the other hand got the consequences now.

Tis but a scratch

Gets hit on the head, passes out cold. Then wakes up 20 mins later and it’s business as usual like dude just had a quick nap.

apparently also your ear.

What bout ear

endorphins can buy you more time than you think. If your adrenaline is also up, which it likely would be, you could push through some pretty traumatic shit over the next 15 to 20 minutes. Unless, of course, your body gives out from blood loss, of course- but assuming you’ve stemmed the bleeding you could push through some stuff you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Nah, shoulder shots are like 50-50 depending on whether drama is needed.

Though tbh, getting shot in the hand is probably a much more minimal consequence than the rest of the areas. Like, okay, your fine motor skills on that hand would probably be fucked up, but better than bleeding out.

But how can *I* shoot someone and have no consequences?

Hollywood movies should be all red except for the nuts and banana.

Indian movie survive all parts. They are made differently.

According to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, you can also survive if someone rips out your heart.

The ear on the right better be colored-in! 😂

No you’re clearly forgetting g about the bullet pocket that humans evolved over millions of years. It’s near the shoulder and allows you to catch a bullet with minimal long term damage. /s

Also in the ear of you ask a certain president to be …

I think the ear ought to be up there based on recent events

The truth should be flipped. If the left side of your body is obliterated with bullet holes, you’d be all right.

Getting shot in the knee fucking hurts. Rehab has been a pain but 3 months later I’m able to walk again, mostly normal too.

They forgot to include the ear lobe

Forgot the ear…


I call bullshit. I saw our emperor president get shot in the ear and heal in a single day.

You can get not-shot in the ear and win a presidential election

Shoulder: Your lungs go a lot higher than you think. Just above the collar bone, that’s still lung. Get shot in a lung, even the tippy top, and you’ve got a hemothorax or pneumothorax. You also have the brachial artery, which is quite large, extending out to the shoulder. A gunshot wound above the elbow that tears through the brachial artery can be fatal relatively quickly.

Thigh/Abdomen: The red spot crosses over both the large and small intestine, as well as part of the femoral artery. A gut shot can lead to rapid sepsis even if it just barely punctures it.

The leg below the knee, and the hand, and possibly the side of the face depending on the angle are the only ones that would have a good chance of not being immediately life threatening.

Assuming consequences means death/immediate incapacitation. Obviously any one of these can have serious consequences.

Haha it took me a minute to notice the little red dot on the right side of the picture lol

You forgot the ear, apparently your ear gets blown off and just grows back

Trump got shot in the ear and had no consequences. Oh wait, he was elected president. Nevermind.

I feel like I read something recently that said even GSW to the head have something like a 50% mortality rate.

80s movies: no, it’s cool…I’ll just pour gunpowder in it and light it on fire.

The ear!!

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