Its essentially that

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Not to mention the world’s worst cheater at golf. He is shameless. Should have been dq’d at every event he has ever played after signing fraudulent scorecards.

All the great qualities in a president

It’s crazy to think people who think they have high Christian standards vote for a party that lacks nearly all. I’m with Bernie sanders. Get rid of billionaire spending on elections, corporations aren’t people, min wage is linked to inflation. 

For sloth they should have used a picture of him sleeping in his trial.

He was a democrat for at least 3 of them… but an asshat for all of them

I thought the envy one might be a picture of him and Putin.

Lol. People don’t like it when I call them out on all of that. Which I do often.

And then some say they voted for trump because he is the anti Christ. And then I ask “so you know he is and you voted for that evil end of the world stuff to happen?”. Then they go quiet.

Especially my family lol

Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

Forgot a few


Should have used a pic of him and Putin for Envy. He’s jealous of Obama, but he’s envious of Putin, Kim, and Xi. 

Sloth should be him in the golf cart at the leaders summit while everyone else is walking. Saving his batteries. 😂

Left out Idol worship.

Everything bad we have been told our entire life. Now I guess it makes you a rich “alpha” male.

The christians will be in hell with us non religious people I guess.

Ah yes, my favourite sin, Playboy.

Don’t forget rape, incest, bigotry, white supremacy, and felon.

What’s in the box?!

Also the 7 deadly sins from Jericho.. 😅

So the only way to stop him is like in the Omen ?


What?! Golf for sloth? I am genuinely offended!

Antichrist jr

Why is sloth a picture of Trump engaging in exercise?

Lust should have been him at one of his pederast events where he “accidentally” walks into teenage girls changing (by his own creepy admission). Fuck that turd.

Forgot racist

And the picture of him holding the Bible manipulative

Or him fucking a pornstar adultery

Or rape

Blasphemy and idol worship for his followers…

I’ve never seen any post better than this about him

Probably the cleanest lust picture of him around… I believe there are pictures of him parading through teenage girls dressing rooms etc etc etc.

Collect the whole set!

It’s going to be one big rabbit hole for the next four years🤣🤣

This is exactly what the American People want. They want to be entertained.

What if it turns out trump I literally the antichrist in flesh? Or maybe a vessel for the antichrist, and when he finally kicks it, the rapture happens.

I like KFC and take offense at the implication.
Next time use his ketchup steak or McDonald’s mugshot.
I’m here saving space for my beloved low rent fried chicken. 🫶🏼🍗🐔

Seven deadly sins, but somehow he’s still alive and has more of a religious following than ever.

They used to be the seven deadly sins but they’re now the Trump playbook for success.

That envy got me pretty good 🤣

Yes, this is the man to bring Christian values back to America. /s

And yet he’s the champion of Christian morals and traditional values

Don’t tell the conservative Christians, they’ll have something else to ignore about their religion.

This ain’t republican or democrat. This is seen with billionaires in general.

How’s this a facepalm? What has this sub turned into? Can’t you guys stop being political for once?! And it’s one sided.

You folks keep thinking the internet is US.

Man, when are the Americans gonna stop crying over politics. I want the normal sub back.


Wow these are getting less and less clever

Yeah, pointing fingers at 50% of voters😅

Not sure playing a sport (golf) is the appropriate image for sloth… not with so many other countless options to choose from.

The face palm is op for posti g this. The elections over you dont have to keep campaigning.

If you think Dems values are any better than give me your address and I will come over and hit you over the head with a turkey leg because you are an idiot.

Some would say over dependence on luxuries (like avocados) is greed and gluttony.

There is an idiotic , very loud, very active segment of the population that would rather chop off their own feet rather than wear the same type of shoes as those they hate

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