the orbs are just camera glareโฆ or ARE they? ๐ค
1 month ago
Religious nuts in a different dress.
1 month ago
r/VoicesoftheVoid users if they went a little farther
1 month ago
intelligent alien life simply can’t contact us and this is a fact. I honestly want to see how many people believe in UFOs downvote me if you think otherwise and state you’re reasoning as to why
also I do believe the institutions/research centers that do research on alien life are wasting money (note I mean all alien life not just intelligent life forms)
let them have their fun
1.2m members btw
the orbs are just camera glareโฆ or ARE they? ๐ค
Religious nuts in a different dress.
r/VoicesoftheVoid users if they went a little farther
intelligent alien life simply can’t contact us and this is a fact. I honestly want to see how many people believe in UFOs downvote me if you think otherwise and state you’re reasoning as to why
also I do believe the institutions/research centers that do research on alien life are wasting money (note I mean all alien life not just intelligent life forms)