It’s happened more than once

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When you realize …” oh so they don’t fact check…or like research at all”

Or when you discover the podcaster you enjoyed is only rehashing the Wikipedia entry.

It’s better to know than to continue listening to said idiot.

Or, keep listening, but just take what they say with a pinch of salt. They might still be fun to listen to – just don’t take their word as gospel.

Too many people act like they know everything and it’s not necessary.

Congrats on beating Gell-Mann Amnesia

It happened so many times with Rogan I eventually just quit listening to him. This was prior to his move to Texas.

If Joe Rogan could read. He’d be very upset by this.

Or they get the topic a little wrong so I correct them and now I’m blocked.

Robert Evans and BTB for the win lads.

Everyone and I mean Everyone is stupid. Never forget that. Some people are smart about Certain things. Like I have a ridiculous amount of Knowledge about useless trivia play me in Trivia crack I will destroy most anyone. But if you ask me to properly dissect a sentence I will probably mess it up. I speak English and barely have a grasp on proper sentence structure you know how many particibles I leave hanging. Everyone is stupid they just might know one or two things you don’t.

Happened to me years ago listening to LPOTL.

Love the podcast, and the boys *do* know their shit when it comes to murderers, cults, etc.

But Henry spent a few minutes talking about how the Dark Web doesn’t exist, and is essentially a conspiracy theory, and Im staring at some Onion routing protocol software thinking, “Do I exist? Is anything real?”

I’m a geophysicist who used to do exploratory fracking to make geothermal power plants. Literally everybody hated me for at least one word on my job title, but almost nobody understood it. 

Tell us you used to listen to Joe Rogan without telling us you used to listen to Joe Rogan.

Joe Rogan, loved his podcast and until he started talking about health care and science… Then I knew. Still sad about it tbh

Rogan 6 months ago being amazed that the right wind conditions is the only thing keeping LA from burning down.

Rogan 6 days ago being furious Newsome isn’t picking up sticks or filling reservoirs.

Welcome to the majority of online content. Made by people with opinions whether they understand the topic or not.

This pulled back the curtain on Penguinz0 for me, and now I can’t stand his content at all. I realized he speaks as an authority on basically every topic, regardless of how knowledgeable he actually is of the topic.

That’s the danger of podcasts, it’s hard to know a lot about one thing. It’s impossible to know a lot about everything. There’s been a lot of time I’ve heard something outright wrong about a topic I specialize in only to hear “it must be true I heard it on a podcast”

The average podcast is a regurgitated minimal research essay. Imagine having to do a 40 minute presentation on a topic you know nothing about and you have a week, now you have to do 30 in 30 weeks back to back.

That’s how I feel when ever Marcus Parks on Last Podcast on the Left talks about firearms. Love him to death but his firearms knowledge isn’t as good as he acts like it is.

Yeah it really makes you rethink the stuff they say and we take as absolute truth.

Someone on here recommended stuff you should know and they’re pretty fun but I listened to their dyatlov pass episode and was like so much of this is wrong and played up to it being a mystery. Like they couldn’t make the connection that the soft tissue damage to one of the victims would be easily due to wild animals and the blunt force damage to the others being due to an avalanche.

Their American dyatlov pass episode was more of the same. They were like why on earth would a group of mentally challenged men make such dumb decisions?

Says it all right there guys. They were mentally retarded and had some kind of accident that someone of regular intelligence would have figured out how to deal with. It’s a really unfortunate story but it’s not a mystery and I think its a disservice to all of these people to twist their tragic deaths just to get some clicks.

Behind the Bastards episode on Osama bin Laden. I knew exactly what book had been STARTED for research, but never finished. 

This happened with me with the Wall Street Journal. I lean left, but back in college I thought it would be a good idea to expose myself to the other side a bit more, so I started receiving the WSJ every morning. But then I started to read the tech section — an area I know a lot about — and noticed they just kept having BS. So if I know they are lying in the tech section, what other sections are they lying about that I don’t know about. Canceled it and never went back.

Man, if it took you more than one show to figure that out, I don’t know what to say to you… (Joe Rogan)

It should happen with Joe Rogan often but the people who listen to him apparently don’t care

This is the entirety of Reddit. Everyone speaks with authority on everything. But if you’re versed on the topic, 90% of people are 100% full of shit.

I’ve mostly stopped listening to podcasts entirely and this is a major reason for it. The other major reason is the sum of shit you hear on podcasts largely boils down to shit you can tell someone you heard on a podcast and doesn’t have much relevance or value in my life otherwise. Traded podcast listening time to audiobooks and enjoy that much more.

Still check in on This American Life and a few others that try to do proper productions and aren’t just yapping about something they read on wikipedia, but for the most part it’s just not a great format

I think this is why Elon musk gained early popularity. He spoke like he knew a lot about things most people had no knowledge on and they just accepted he was smart. It wasn’t until I listened to his solar shingles presentation that I knew he was full of shit.

Ummmm all podcaster are idiots, it’s honestly crazy that people will pay to just listen to people talk. Not even smart or well respected people, Joe Rogan is a conservative idiot who spews lies every chance he gets. Stop listening to podcasters, it’s such a joke.

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