It’s just that simple.

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It is possible to get a gun in Poland. I know many people that own guns. You just have to invest a lot of time and money. And, you need to prove that you are stable enough to own a gun.

Poland is surprisingly nice place to live. I recommend it.

Good guy, Poland.

That just looks like a normal train to me. What is so good about it?

As a Pole, these statements are somewhat false and overly simplified.

First, the clip is very selective. Now in winter there is unfortuantely a lot of homeless people riding the public transit here in Warsaw, it’s not always as clean

Second, getting a gun isn’t that hard. Sure, you can’t just go to a stroe, but the steps you need to take are as simple as joining a local firing range and getting acceptance from a pollice comissioner.

Third, Poland doesn’t have nearly as many migrants as the US, and the people cleaning our streets are usually the elderly or the poor, maybe Ukrainian refugees. Poland’s immigration laws are quite strict and we mostly accept people that can fulfill high level jobs and enrich our country (and the aforementioned Ukrainian refugees).

Points 1 and 4 are fairly true, Warsaw’s public transport is 1/3 funded by tickets and rest comes from governmental subsidies. The healthcare leaves a lot to be desired though, with over year long wait times it’s often impossible to get anything done without getting private care. The main point of public health system is that it makes a lot of private things fairly cheap due to competition in the market.

Though I do like how these recent tweets are making Poland look amazing for both the right and the left,ย I’m afraid if Americans from any of these sides came here they would be severly disappointed

Nice to see Po osec using his real account and not hiding behind End Wokeness. NVM, he was just using white people to try and insult US cities. Same racist bullshit, different account.

Itโ€™s pretty easy to get a gun license in Poland though but it needs some effort, which discourages most people from obtaining it.

In addition, Poland accepts a lot of legal immigrants while being tough (tougher than the US it seems) on illegal immigration. Not to mention US cities tend to be pretty lax on crime which influences how safe public transportation is. Turns out keeping crime low is pretty nice and makes public spaces safer.

USA, the richest third world country on the planet

Jack POS has probably never ridden the subway in his entire life.

Uhhhm Poland allows access to guns and itโ€™s not that hard to get a permit for one, so.

This is a joke comment probably, although the tone suggests that it’s just some troll or idiot.

1 most public transport options are city or government owned companies. They are of course paid services and those companies should generate profit. City and government funds rebates or full costs of certain transport options in companies directly dependent on them to special groups (eg handicapped).

2 It’s very easy to get a gun in Poland. There is almost a million guns in Polish homes. More than 40 thousand people acquire a gun licence a year. On top of that Polish citizens own another 0.5 million of black powder guns that don’t require any license.

3 Poland doesn’t intake a lot of immigration (mostly Ukrainians came here in recent years, albeit millions, they don’t count as refugees or even normal immigration, according to the law they are treated as ‘special visitors’ with certain big privileges because of the war). Also immigrants don’t clean streets in Poland. According to statistics of city cleaning services immigrants comprise about 4% of their employees.

4 Polish public healthcare is one of the worst healthcare systems in the world, considering countries with similar or higher GDP per Capita. The average time to visit with a specialist is very long, investment in health-related and pharmaceutical research is very low, investment in hospital equipment and refurbishment is very low, there is a significant lack of doctors especially new ones, medical schools lower their standards every year because of lack of new students.

Thus real reasons are completely different and mostly cultural and ideological.

He forgot to add free education

Poland doesn’t accept immigrants, they accepted the Ukrainians and that’s about it .

I’m from Poland.

1. fair

2. not true

3. lmao

4. lmao

No 2 is a not true. It’s not impossible to get a gun. It’s just highly regulated. You need to pass exams to own a gun, be a member of a sport or collectors club, get your head and health checked and file some paperwork. It takes few months, but is easier than driving license.
Source: i am polish and have a gun permit.
Every gun or significant gun part is registered by police and you can only buy ammo for gun that you have registered.
But on the other hand you can conceal carry the gun (chambered) and buy a suppresor.
No open carry, you can only shoot on shooting range or during hunting (diffrent gun license).

Education, faith and respect

Why are these people obsessed with Poland recently?

1. **Our public transit is relatively good.** It’s not the best thing in the world but that is one thing Poland has improved over time. Then again, America is infamous for their underfunded, underdeveloped public transit generally so it’s not much of a comparison.
2. **Another thing, it’s not impossible to get a gun**. Most people just don’t care to get one. There’s some paperwork involved true, strict background checks, and so on, but it’s not something impossible to get. Our culture just doesn’t see guns as part of our identity. We don’t give a shit to own one even if we had an option most of the time.
3. **Migration.** That is blatantly false. We accept one of the lowest number of immigrants out of all the EU.
4. **Universal healthcare in Poland is not entirely correct.** We have a public option system (public health coverage if we are employed and private. Universal coverage is for people under 18 that is true. Our public healthcare is severely underfunded so using it as some gotcha on American healthcare is simply misunderstanding the short-comings of Polish healthcare or obfuscating the truth behind the mystical “universal healthcare” idea.

Not really a clever comeback, just half-truths and one blatant lie.


The answer jack could have been looking for was “white”

This is how our transit system looks in Vancouver BC as well. Hmm

American Patriots/Nationalists are absolute clowns.

I donโ€™t get this, itโ€™s just a bunch of people sitting in a trainโ€ฆ. Iโ€™ve gotten this experience in the train before too

OOP meant all white people


European sport shooter here.

We can own guns as civilians in every country in Europe, except the Vatican (my collection wouldn’t be legal in about 20% of states in the US).

Poland is one of 5 countries with **shall issue** concealed carry (any permit, except the collector one, lets you carry concealed and loaded in public, in Poland).

The other countries would be the Czech Republic (which has had it for about 30 years and a majority of Czech gun owners has such a permit), Latvia, lithuania, and Estonia. Slovakia has permissive **may issue** (as in most people who apply will get one).

>2. It’s impossible to get a gun

You’re implying that if guns were simply made illegal in the US, that all of our gun violence problems would go away.

The problem is that we have about as much trust for the government as we do a rattlesnake. We expect that the “war on guns” would go about as well as the “war on drugs” has gone. That is, sane law abiding citizens would be disarmed. But criminals would still be able to get them easily and inexpensively. We can’t stop drugs or even millions of live human beings from simply walking across the border. How can we hope to stop guns?

That doesn’t sound like a very good solution to gun violence.

Accepting immigrants to clean the city has a weird ring to it

You should be allowed to have a gun AND universal healthcare

This guy really trying to claim it’s immigrants keeping Poland clean and not the lack thereof ๐Ÿคฃ I’m almost positive Poland has the lowest immigrant population of any country in Europe, definitely in the bottom 5. Oh and the ones they do take are all european

Tons of immigrants? From other European countries?

The most enraging part about this is that, as someone who rides the subway daily, thatโ€™s exactly what it looks like in NYC. The difference that โ€œJack Posoโ€ is worried about is the existence of minorities and the horror stories they make up on Faux News

Tons of immigrants cleaning lol.

As a pole I wonder where are those “tons of immigrants” hiding, cause I definitely don’t see them.

Krakow is the most beautiful city

Poland accepting immigrants? I LOLed so hard. There is absolutely no immigration allowed, in fact, they just hosed and shoot anyone trying to cross illegally and is almost impossible to get there legally

Truth, lie, lie, truth

Doesn’t Poland have a very strict border and zero terrorism. Weird.

Jack really wanted the answer to be “minorities”

Seems like, talks who have no clue from history, the Poland system won’t work for the US.

Anyone really understand the reasons behind low crime in Poland?? I’m not saying it because it’ll sound very racist. Same reason that Singapore and countries like that don’t have major issues.

Poland has one of the lowest percentages of foreign born individuals in their populations in Europe? America has several time the percentage of immigrants as Poland with over 13% compared to Polandโ€™s under 2%.

Yeah Iโ€™ll pass on Poland

He missed the point, all Jack is asking is “Why aren’t we all white” as shown in the photo

The usa takes in way way more immigrants so sick of people acting like we don’t we take in so many every year it would take all of Europe to be comparable

For number 3 , u never saw videos of how Poland react to the influx of migrants?

It’s still an incredibly racist country, especially to blacks. They even make up videos of immigrants attacking women in alleyways to whip up frenzy during elections. Doesn’t make sense, given men like Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

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