It’s “latinos”

By Fexxvi
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Middle guy about to write a 20-paragraph Reddit post.

Latinas never had a clue what Latinex was about (one asked if it was a pokemon)

For a crowd who most likely rags on Elon Musk they certainly share the naming scheme

I’d be more pissed off by being called this than by being called a monkey, at least monkey does not insult every south american language or feel like they are trying to colonise us again

Plot twist: latinix was meant to be inclusive to the letter x all along

What the hell is “Latinx”?

Americans like to consider everything like it’s oil

Good thing I never have to use either word.

I only search for Latinas

why not latin people?

Awww yes, Latinks strikes again

Latinex sounds like an obscure X-Men villain from the 1990’s


This graph implies most people would use latinx. I have never met someone who actually uses Latinx

So latinx comes from which language? 😅

Americans should be the only ones on this graph, because they came up with the term, and only they care about it.

what does latinx mean?

I don’t know what this means?


What do the people that study language say? I don’t wanna be a bigot so I’ll just go with whatever linguists say

It’s not pronounced “Latin-X” the correct pronunciation is “La-Tinks”

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