It’s literally just a fucking flag.

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Maybe they’re Palestinian? Or they have family or a best friend from school there…

It’s annoying to me that someone might have taken a picture of the pin on this persons jacket because they were upset by it… 🤦🏻‍♂️

Of course its not ok, to take pictures of strangers on a plane and post them on social media .

“A friend of mine”

A pin of a flag?

Called freedom of expression, free speech. Like this chick posting her Karen whining.

Rightwingers are snowflakes.

It’s a flag representing the Palestinian people.

Not Hamas.

Big difference.

It’s like comparing the U.S flag to the MAGA flag.

The knee-jerk attitude that Palestine equals terrorism in totality is puerile and ridiculous.

Yeah…I don’t get it.

Palestinian people are not terrorists. The government was seized by a terrorist group. Hamas are terrorists but that also depends on what side of history you are on.

Objectively? Hamas are terrorists of course. They commit acts of violence and kill people in the name of fear. But imagine that if the American Revolution happened in modern times—those same revolutionaries that we revere would be considered terrorists.

The Palestinian people have been pushed by an oppressive Israeli government who in turn has pushed back against the terrorism. It’s a vicious cycle.

People also get offended by the absolute dumbest shit. I could never imagine being so fucking sensitive. I used to have a Jolly Roger lapel pin that I wore in place of an American flag pin (as a joke, lapel pins are stupid). You would not believe the amount of hate I got for that.

The pearl necklace is the wrong length for the neckline of the dress.

Everyone knows not to wear pearl necklaces with V-necks after the New Year.

Honestly this is a good reminder that they’re literally upset that Palestine is allowed to exist at all.

Didn’t republicans members of congress wear AR-15 pins? Is that better?

No shortage of people these days who spend an inordinate amount of time looking for anything to be butt hurt about.

We are the only country in the world that gets pissed off by the patriotism of people from other countries…💯🙌

Honestly she might just be from there too… like people do move countries 🤦‍♂️

Yeahhhh, but it’s not the *right* flag, is it?


This what happens when you let the fascists control the narrative. Being opposed to the slaughter of innocents makes you a terrorist.

Imagine being mad at a pin and not Israel carpet bombing babies

And they call liberals snowflakes, lol

I’m so fucking sick of the absolute stranglehold the Israel lobby has on America. Disgusting.

I thought this was a pearl necklace joke

As a Batman fan, I too get offended when people joke about pearl necklaces

Here’s a novel idea for Conservatives.. *Fuck Your Feelings*.

so much for freedom of expression ….. United state of Israel

The ven diagram of those who take offense to lapel pins of foreign flags and those who cheer when elected officials don AR15 lapel pins is a circle.

Citizens of the USA account for ~4.25% of the world’s population. Openly taking offense to an employee of a multinational company, operating international flights… Well, let’s just say that *that* leaves little to the imagination as to how myopic one’s world view and understanding of basic humanity is.

It’s not even a flag, it’s *pin* of a flag.

People need to chill. Wearing a pin is like… THE most harmless form of support.

If that same flag pin also had a red circle with a line through the middle they’d probably be high-fiving her though.

What a crybaby. It’s just a flag. Omg we are all gonna die over an object.

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of thought, and freedom.

It’s called “free speech.” Of course, she does know nothing about it when it’s not about sharing propaganda and misinformation.

Jesus I hate this timeline. A genocide is being committed on a people and some people seem more offended at the flag of the people being genocided than the actual genocide.

Step back, take a deep breath and relax 😎

They can’t stand opposing views because it triggers their cognitive dissonance. 

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