It’s my money they took

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And somehow the answer is never to tax the 1% or stop giving corporate welfare to corporations.

Why the hell is something we are ENTITLED to a bad thing?

Thing is, they are entitlements. We are entitled to that money as it is mine and everyone else’s who has paid into it the moment they started working and had taxes taken out for SS and Medicaid. Musk, Trump and the MAGA crowd are confusing the word “entitlement” with “privilege”.

This is why the billionaires need to go.

I believe someone is writing a book about how he never made anything of value and his success is all inheritance

For the record the term entitlements to refer to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security meant that they were non-discretionary spending that that Congress needed to fund, it was conservatives that twisted it to imply that they were somehow unearned benefits

It’s wild how they’ve successfully painted entitlements as “something that people don’t deserve but feel entitled to” instead of what it means, which is “something that people are entitled to because they paid into it their whole lives”.

Maybe it’s because he is NOT a UNITED STATES citizen that he is unaware that we pay in all of our working lives???

So if they cut it do we get all of our money back?

When I was a kid (33 now) I always heard people say that social security wouldn’t exist by the time I was old enough to actually draw it. I never expected it would happen like this though.

So am I getting a 2026 tax deduction of every dollar I have put into SS with inflation in mind or is that entitlement too?

It’s not a false sense of entitlement, it’s a literal entitlement…. Like in the definition of the word

To which WE are entitled. Not them.

“The money gets paid in, and then immediately goes out…” because congress can’t leave it in the trust fund that Gore kept saying we need to put a lock box on. They’ve been stealing from it for years while simultaneously saying it’s going insolvent.

Entitlement literally means legally entitled.

Self-entitled is bad, entitled means they are supposed to get it.

If they take our money let’s take their lives

How do so many people fail to understand what the word entitlement means? Social Security is in fact an entitlement program. That’s the very reason it should be untouchable.

People confuse the pejorative term “SENSE of entitlement” with the actual meaning of the word entitlement.

Those who pay into SS are LEGALLY entitled to those benefits.

The outrage over the term misses the mark and makes people look incredibly dumb.

Flipping the meaning of “entitlement” is one of the things that really hurts my brain.

It *is* an entitlement, because *you’re entitled to receive it!* You paid in, and you have a legal right to get the benefits. *That’s what entitlement means.*

These rightwing assholes have convinced people that a legal entitlement is the same as an *unfounded sense of entitlement,* meaning you don’t actually have a right to the benefits, you whiny loser, so we can cut them and steal your money.

It’s stupid and evil and totally on brand.

Unfortunately most of MAGA will believe that SS is an entitlement if Elonia and Drumpf say it enough.

The SS is coming for our SS.

DOGE-head thinks keeping kids, women, and the elderly out of poverty is a Ponzi scheme. One can only read a couple of Wikipedia articles to understand how dire things were before social security came along.

You know what IS a scam?

The fact that high wage earners, BY DESIGN, stop paying into SS after they’ve gotten about $176k. At 177, there are no payroll taxes and you get a nice little bump in your take home pay for the rest of the year.

Imagine if you just lifted that. Make it fair. Everyone pays, no special treatment for the rich.


It is an entitlement. You are entitled to it. It is not a bad thing. The bad thing is the negative connotation of the word entitled.

Tax Musk and the rest of the billionaires at 90%. Let’s see them bleed

Well done Usa. Next one will be entitlement to be born, gouvernment will decide if you deserve to be born or not…

I hate how the meaning of this word has changed. It **is** an entitlement. It’s called an entitlement because you’re entitled to it.

I love when they go mask off. Make Tesla dip MORE


if musk really cared about the struggles of the every man he could actually give every single person in this country a check for over 1000 dollars. thats how wealthy he is. he can give three hundred million people a thousand dollars each. fuck me why do we allow anyone to have so so much when so many have so little. no human being has the right to have so much when so many have nothing. its a vile way to live. he is not even an american and he is in our government. why are we allowing this. its only going to get worse

We’re ENTITLED to the money we paid in, yes.

Elmo was suggesting that children getting survivor benefits because a parent died are also fraud…I’m sure those kids would rather have their parent instead of an SS check each month. 🙄


I used to think he was alright, but now I just fucking hate him

The fact that they took it out of your paycheck is precisely why you’re entitled to it.

That’s why it’s called that.

This from one of the most entitled men in the world. Reckless attitude.

100%!!! I’ve been paying into social security for decades. Get your dirty ketamine laced paws off of my money!

God damn it. It is an entitlement because we are legally entitled to it. This drives me crazy.

I hate how the word “entitlement” has been twisted in modern English.

Yes, Social Security is an entitlement. You’re absolutely entitled to the money you’ve paid into the system for 55 years. This is not a bad thing.

Why don’t they just continue to take SS past earning $160k? This guy stops paying SS after the first couple hours of Jan 1st every year.

I will be happy to receive a full refund of the money i was forced to pay.

It is an entitlement. That means we are entitled to those benefits, separate from federal budget issues.

It’s not a four-letter word. It’s a good thing, not not a bad thing.

This fine with regard to Social Security, just give me every penny back with interest. Otherwise I’m revolting.

Yeah, well the thing is when they DO cut Medicare and Social Security – the minute it starts affecting MAGA Republicans they will wake up.

And booooy will they finally be angry. 😃

So now do we all stop paying taxes? Cuz we won’t see that money down the line when we need it. The billionaires that “don’t have any need for it” are gonna take it all. They can’t jail the entire country right? But they won’t help the entire country. So how do we let them know?

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