It’s Never Been Fine [OC]

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There’s been this idea circulating the US for awhile that up until a few years ago, there was no more racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. In reality, those things never went away, they just became a little less common and a lot less visible. For example, since it was illegal to fire people for being gay or black, they just got written up more than the other employees until they either got the point and left on their own or were terminated due to “repeat offenses.”

The time to do something was November 5 and everyone blew it

Do people just not understand the point of the dog? It’s about despair and giving up. It’s not about actually advocating that the fire is “fine”

We’ll make them PEE:
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I’m not even gay but the amount of homophobia and transphobia I’ve been seeing lately makes me absolutely sick. No matter how hard I try, I truly can’t understand hating someone for their sexuality or race.


Nah, things can devolve more still. If the like 9 people that know how to use this app all join forces current fascism would be completely obliterated out of existence. We want a proper challenge before playing 4D chess on them. /s

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