Its not that great of an achievement

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I got a girl pregnant when I was 16. Had him when I was 17.

I don’t recommend anybody do anything as stupid as I did, but it made me an adult.

Guys and girls, please use contraceptives. Having a kid/getting married super young is NOT a good idea.

I mean sure? But this is a random strawman from the argument given. Sure there can be societal pressure to want kids but I don’t think I ever personally heard the argument in this form.

Just for the sake of logical argument, the assertion is that having children is part of being an adult, nobody asserted that having children makes you an adult.

In fact, since having children is part of being an adult, is precisely why teenagers shouldn’t have children. Because they are not adults.

It’s actually a disgrace

Teenagers shouldn’t be having kids.

This is a really stupid meme.

Anyone can have kids with the right parts. Now raising them up to be a good respectful human being and not some waste of space shithead drain on society…. That’s the achievement.

It makes some of them adults very quickly. The good ones, anyway.

You get lucky sometimes. I got a girl pregnant young. Decided she’s trustworthy after 3 months of dating. Asked her to marry me. She said yes.

Here we are 10 years later. Sex is still crazy good. Kids are getting old.

When they move out I’ll still be young.

And damn do I love them.

Very, very lucky.

Advice: stay as attractive as you can when you get married!

“I still won’t have kids”

I agree with the take however I am maniac enough to point out that gray stated that having children was only PART of being an adult, meaning that other things are at play too. Thus simply having kids logically wouldn’t make you an adult, even according to gray’s logic, and thus it makes no sense for them to be offfended in panel 4.

having children doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an adult physically, in this context it refers to have children is the gateway to having adult mentality

A part of being an adult? I’ve met plenty of “adult” parents that had no business making the next generation.

Having children is not that great of an achievement? Or having children in your teens is not that great of an achievement

Being able to raise them into responsible, loving, self reliant adults is the achievement.

I agree having children should be a choice not an expectation, but this meme doesn’t make sense. The second point is a whataboutism that doesn’t address the first at all.

Anyone can have them, bringing them up is the real challenge of being an adult because you have to always put them first

Key word “part of”

What is the point of this? “Nuh-uh, I can tell teens they can have babies aaallll they want while still being kids.” Okay, seems like a pretty bad idea. 18 and 19 is an adult in most places, so how does that fit in this little comic? Or do you not understand how milestones work? It really seems like you’re projecting the fact that someone called you childish not for NOT wanting kids, but your reaction to what they said.

I’ve never understood how to come to terms with this dilemma since it essentially means we are responsible for the reality that we are placed in? Like of course I want to help others but there is no possible way to actually make a cataclysmic change on reality for the better. It frustrates me because I feel like I have no power to do good.

Raising children can make you an adult not having them.

Raising children can make you an adult not having them.

Having kids isn’t an achievement but taking care of them properly is. You will never know this as much as a parent will.

Nice try Military Industrial Complex, I’m not paying to provide you with more conscripts.

Sounds like something adults tell themselves to cope with the mistake of having a child lol.

i bust nuts every day you aren’t special because you did it inside someone

What a stupid fucking argument


The NPC never claimed that having children is what makes someone adult. Just that it is a part of it. So you are pretty much in agreement.

Overall shit meme I rate 1/7

Going out of your way to have children is selfish.

Congratulations! You did the same thing the barn cat does regularly. Enjoy your spawn I guess, hope you didn’t actually have it as an attempt to compensate for shortcomings elsewhere in your relationship.

Breeders. Go over populate another planet dammit!

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