It’s not the irony, it’s the point.

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It’s very funny; just not “Ha Ha” funny ☹️

He needs to get impeached
Americans please step it up and get him out..

We all know that

Worth pointing out that [45 also hired him](

>Brown was nominated to become CSAF by Trump. Brown took the oath of office in the Oval Office in August 2020, with Trump watching.

But they’ve gotten a lot more bold and blatant since those halcyon days.

Hypocritical is the word you’re looking for. His decision was hypocritical.

But also I love how he’s making enemies with experienced military staff and will presumably fill his ranks with morons before igniting a war between various powerful nations and the American people all at once. If Tywin Lannister were alive to see this…

This is so ghetto 😭

Buckle up…the 3 people that were fired were our only military safeguards.

This election really did just go to show how deeply bigoted so many americans are

The opposite of irony.

How many blowjobs would he be able to get in the Oval Office before having to resign?

Sounds like affirmative action. Thought all you people loved that?

Ah yes, the classic “You must support racial discrimination, or else you’re a racist!”

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