It’s only fair.

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I just hope both sides have fun

5’11 is 75th percentile (75% of men are shorter)

The equivalence is a woman above 140 lb (75% of women are heavier)

EDIT: removed the shooting cause it wasn’t the point


200lbs? If youre talking about a guy under 5’11 then we should be able to shoot women over 140…

he’s got a point!

Id say a harpoon makes more sense.

Give em the ole .600 nitro express.

200lbs isnt comparable to the amount of men under 5’11” lol. more like if theyre over 145lbs. chicks fat head alone looks over 145lbs in that pic

It seems it’s a girl that replied as it says Kaitlyn.

200? More like 150

Why the fuck are we doing this


Short men are sub human but if you call a land whale a land whale suddenly you’re an asshole

200 is a bit high….


All hail KING Kaitlyn

why so much hate

Why do we need to share the most mean-spirited things on the internet…

Fat people smell like wet dog. 

This just seems impossibly stupid.

What’s up with all the hate? It’s getting old

Some pple are meant to stay quiet in the kitchen

Shes a bitch so she’ll probably say yes.

Why jack the fat girls- they aren’t the ones putting the height requirements on you dudes.


Height is genetic and out of his control. Her weight however….

These people in the comments need to get out more

So a woman who clearly is not fat, insults short men, so the comeback is to insult fat women?

OOP’s name checks out.

A 250 pound elephant is just a newborn.

Her name says it all

I just barely made the cutoff to not be considered a roach by twitter user “bitch”. Thank god

If you’ve been sprayed with Raid you maybe entitled to compensation.

More like 140lbs

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