It’s Over – Gator Days (OC)

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The bullshit will continue until you forget what morale was.

Look, Gustopher has to learn about Getflix’s Algorithm. The Algorithim says no show is allowed more than two seasons.

And so fan fiction starts…
I wished, the boar woman would sit with them on the couch and watch the serie.

Looks like someone just watched Firefly.

Because the rich people don’t make art for art’s sake, and when the show isn’t making ENOUGH money (because the show can be profitable and still be canceled) the rich people funding the art pull the plug.

Let this inspire you gustopher. Become rich and then commission ALL THE TV SHOWS YOU WANT

Take my love, take my land….

Sometimes it is better to be cancelled early like Inside Job than dragged out and cancelled like Heroes.

These people need to be held accountable. What do you mean Freaks and Geeks was cancelled after 1 season!?

Looking at you: American Gods

I still think about Sense8 shot down in its prime. At least we got a movie.

As a follower of multiple fantasy book series that seem to be stalled forever with no conclusion or continuation on sight, I feel this disappointment in my soul.


Enterprise (later renamed Star Trek: Enterprise for her 3rd season)
The Owl House
Freaks and Geeks
The Oblongs

All great shows, killed before their time

I’m sorry, little one…

I think I can guess which show it was: every show I’ve enjoyed over the last 20 years.

This is why I never watch shows as they’re airing. My backlog is long enough that I end up starting shows a year or two after release. Then I don’t have to deal with the sadness of cancellation.

Netflix has makes too many assumptions around what makes a show worth continuing to fund.

My guy, when is the graphic novel dropping?

We all have to learn this lesson the hard way one way or another…….better to rip the bandaid off when they’re young.

we are all gustopher

Ouch. Ain’t that the truth…

It shouldn’t be legal Gus. I hope you find some comfort in holding the cat.

> No one knows

Sometimes in scenarios like this, creators tell us what their plans were.

Inside Job

I will never forgive Netflix for this

This was me watching the last season of The Expanse. I’m still waiting to see if they’ll adapt the last three books in the series.

When this beautiful thing stays at 20 upvotes, we can be sure that the end of humankind as we know it is certain.

Gustopher is right. This shouldn’t be legal.


The director/producer/original novelist/main character actor were likely to have been discovered to be a horrible person and now we’re all fucked.

This is why I think the mini series is the superior conveyor of a story. It can be as long or short as needed and is written to support a major plot arc without shoehorning in possible other plots In case of renewal.

Santa Clarita Diet 😭

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Macro Polo and Firefly for me

Teen Titans

Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand.

I legitimately stopped watching TV for awhile because it seemed like every show I was watching was getting cancelled.

Touch, Alcatraz, Terra Nova, Awake, Harry’s Law, and my beloved, The Finder.

This was all in like 1 year. I think this is also around the time that my depression peaked and I had begun watching Scott Pilgrim Vs The World on a loop because I didn’t want to watch a show that would be cancelled and my only option was movies, and I knew I liked Scott Pilgrim.

Sometimes it’s just life and we have no control over it. Like a random executive would decide to put the pilot episode in the middle and then cancel the series outright leaving us with just a movie that wraps up the show in 2 hours. And sometimes the lead creator is just batshit insane and terrible to work with.

Yes, both examples have one person in common.

Me too, Gustopher, me too.

Wait, was August’s snout always that short en profil?

Gus, honey that’s what fan fics are for.

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