It’s pretty obvious when you think about it

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Next you’re going to tell me WWE is fake too??

Idk what people in this comment section are talking about. Tyson had surgery not long before the fight. I don’t know if people have just never had surgery before, but it can really fuck you up. Especially when you’re old. I think it was potentially partially rigged, but it’s likely that Tyson is just old and recovering from surgery.

it was rigged though not in the way most probably think.

Every single precaution was taken to ensure neither fight got hurt nor did either make any real effort to box. It was basically a couple rounds of rock-em sock-em boppers for fun with zero risk of winning or losing.

They couldn’t of knocked each other out if they were desperately trying to with those gloves on.

I missed something didn’t I?

It wasn’t rigged, it looked exactly as it should have. Tyson is 58-years old. Doesn’t matter if you’re Mike Tyson or not, Jake Paul is plenty experienced at this point that he knows how to keep Mike away for 2 rounds until he got tired, then just landed enough punches to win his rounds without actually trying to hurt Mike.

It’s obvious how many people don’t understand the sport or just human biology in general. If you’ve never actually tried boxing before, go give it a shot. Go throw punches and dance around a ring for a couple of minutes and let me know how you feel.

Eh once I heard Mike almost died 2 months ago lost 25lbs and half the blood in his body it really put the fight in perspective. Mike was never gonna win. Maybe he had a chance before all that happened but the fact he still did it makes him a winner in my book. It’s just so fucking sad that a pathetic person like Jake Paul beat him. Should be ashamed to call himself a boxer

His 27?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m 36 I look younger than him!

27 year old is dickhead who is liked by no one

And senior citizen can punch you in the face and can KO you in a second.

I can understand why they’d ham up the drama but to me Jake Paul didn’t fight like someone who wanted to kick someone’s ass and Mike Tyson wasn’t fighting like he wanted war. That looked like a fight between two dudes that respected each other and were guaranteed a big payout.

To be clear: I’m not saying ‘the fight was rigged and Mike should have won’, I’m saying ‘they went into this with the understanding Mike wouldn’t take a win whether or not he had the chance to.’

I keep seeing this. Since when is 58 a senior citizen?

Less rigged more staged and they both made out with 100mil each.

I don’t think we watched the same fight. Lmao.

I saw 2 rounds of Mike Tyson being violent and blindingly fast for someone almost 60, not just keeping Jake on the back foot but even giving him a solid body shot that rearranged his organs. And then 6 of the weirdest rounds of Mike just choosing not to fight back and literally evading and blocking everything Jake threw at him the entire time.

Jake Paul never landed a single hit on Mike that so much as caused him to break eye contact. Mike didn’t even look like he was in a boxing match at the end.

Honestly, that’s the most suspect thing to me. Those last 6 rounds. That’s not how people fall off in energy. Mike’s gloves were high the whole time. Jake’s were at his hips by round 3. He wasn’t tired. He wasn’t gased. He just wasn’t fighting back.

Anyone who thinks the fight wasn’t rigged is mentally disabled.

Tyson’s training videos had more intensity than the fight did and training goes longer than half an hour so literally he had more energy and intensity in training and was able to maintain it for longer.


Mike Tyson threw that shit

I am now realising Jake is only 3 years older than me

It was a set up for each of them to get money end of story lol

Rmember kids, the word is “scripted”.

3 words…




Because dumbasses don’t understand nuance.

“Rigged” doesn’t just mean that someone took a dive. It just means the outcome of the match has been doctored.

Regardless whether or not Paul was going to win based on age and stamina, the fight is still “rigged” in the sense there were clearly some stipulations on both fighters that kept this from being the all out brawl people were hoping for.

It was “rigged” in the sense it was clear as day that Tyson was just milking rounds and Paul was letting him do it.

A senior citizen is 65 or older. Mike Tyson is like 58.

Swan Lake is staged, not rigged.
Please no wagering.

As someone who works at a nursing home. Old people dont magically lose their strengh after reaching a certain age, their bones and muscles may ache but they still work. Mike is still in good shape, theres no way he should have lost

Let him fight a trans too…

if they rigged it, it would be mike tyson winning

That was an obvious exhibition match.

The real fight that night was the Serrano vs Taylor fight.

When you try to justify that your grandmother beat you in a boxing match

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