If you grew up in my house you got Country Christmas music, which I honestly can’t decide if that makes it worse or better
3 months ago
This meme format is hilariousÂ
3 months ago
The auto tuned pop country xmas music is very real, and will do its best to break you. Hold fast brother, we all must endure.
3 months ago
Speak for yourself HossCat.
3 months ago
You have it good man, here in my country we have these musical genders called ”forró” and ”funk”, that play everytime in the nightclubs near my house, year-round. I can assure you that xmas music and country music are much more pleasing to hear than that.
3 months ago
*gets in car and turns on radio*
jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells rock
*Me turning on Spotify as soon as my phone connects*
If you grew up in my house you got Country Christmas music, which I honestly can’t decide if that makes it worse or better
This meme format is hilariousÂ
The auto tuned pop country xmas music is very real, and will do its best to break you. Hold fast brother, we all must endure.
Speak for yourself HossCat.
You have it good man, here in my country we have these musical genders called ”forró” and ”funk”, that play everytime in the nightclubs near my house, year-round. I can assure you that xmas music and country music are much more pleasing to hear than that.
*gets in car and turns on radio*
jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells rock
*Me turning on Spotify as soon as my phone connects*
Du….du hast..du hast mesh
It’s songs, for the deaf!
Haha this is so true!