It’s the deathwish is it?

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they found it weird for cave divers with “loving wives, 3 kids and six figure salary” to dive in a really small cave “looking for death”.

I’m always proud of myself when I see a meme about something that’s been happening on reddit and I’m unaware of it. That means I’m not spending too much time here

Is the trend resurfacing?


Idk its just a really weird hobby

You’re doing something very dangerous and when something happens we have to spend a lot of time and resources to rescue your dumbass. Not to mention other people have to risk their own life to come save you because you wanted to see what was in a hole.

Just for posterity’s sake the phrase is “all of a sudden” just a friendly fyi.

A lot of people got these catastrophe videos recommended to them more or less at the same time. The internet being what it is, some people decided it would be funny or “cool” to make fun of people who have suffered days if not weeks in horrific conditions only to die in the end.

Call me “no fun” if you want, but I still have basic principles of empathy to uphold.

Help step cavediver im stuck

Are we just not gonna touch all over sudden ?

*I knew a cave diver once… She was super gay!*

*And I don’t mean that as an insult. She was just gay. Lovely woman, a decent teacher and a good friend.*

Uh oh… do you think it’s “all over sudden”?

“Of a sudden”

This is a thing….? Yall are weird

Isn’t this the same people that thinks mountain climbers are really cool?

I hate this meme to an irrational degree.

Did one of them insult musk again?

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