Its time has come

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Well then bring it to a repair shop and let them swap the battery. Or look it up in iFixit and change it yourself. Repairing is better than buying a new phone.



Samsung had this settings that keeps battery at 85% and won’t charge any further. Which actually works. Make sure you don’t drain battery lower than 15% nor full charge it to 100% as it prevents overcharging or drying the batt cells.

Note that average lifespan of battery on phones nowadays are 8000 cycles. (1 cycle is 0% to 100%) so if you deplete a bettery from 100 to 0 once a day you get to have your battery for 10 years. Which isn’t always the case. Just buy a Battery Bank.

Try putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Just get a battery replacement

Might be because of cold. Without too many details, cold fucks your battery and keeping it warm is necessary.

Edit: when I say warm, I mean about room temperature (15-20°c)

God this is hands down the most overused format.

Shrek meme coming for it any day now

Can I interest you in a YouTube tutorial in this trying time?

Worst feeling for real


Just replace the battery. It’s not that expensive, especially compared to a new phone

(Also note: OEM or bust)

One of the most boring and cringe meme formats…

Am i the only one who uses my phone till it is literally unusable then proceed to buy another absolutely shit phone

Then eventually you’ll have to use the phone plugged in at all times

Iphone 15 after an update?

Don’t try to replace the battery from any shop. It’s never like the original that’s built in the phone. Just get a power bank and carry it with you all the time then after 3-5 years or use and when other problems come up buy a new phone

What is the meme? Where is the joke? Post this shit elsewhere.

You must have an iPhone lol

<blurred camera> entered chat

You must have an iPhone.

Time traveller from 2013:

What’s the issue? Just buy a new battery for like 15 bucks and it’s as good as new again

So what, rip it open and replace it you coward

Time to buy a new phone

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