It’s working

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They’re both so fucking stupid. It took them a nanosecond before they’re at each other’s throats.

The next four years is going to be off the charts insane

If it walks like a duck…

Or in this case, if it shits it’s pants like a baby

So full-court press calling Musk the POTUS. Got it!

Interesting. What does President Musk say?


You know that Trump and his babysitters are also feverishly working to make Elon publicly genuflect with some embarrassing act of fealty towards Little Lord Shits-His-Pants.

Will Apartheid Clyde play along?🍿

Boy, I sure hope President Musk gets to the bottom of this situation soon!

Wherever you post include the hashtag #presidentmusk. Trump is going to have a meltdown if it reaches the top.


Keep going.


Keep it going!


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I would love to see dark brandon make a crack during Trump’s inauguration along the lines of *I thought it was Musk’s day* or similar. Trump’s reaction would be priceless.

I think Trump needs to have a sit-down with the president-elect to clear up this little “misunderstanding” lol

I knew this would happen.  

He’s going full Scaramucci.  

He’s also the guy with the bigger hands.

I think we should also remind trump that elon is worth much, much more than he is. That would also drive him crazy.


Now that’s good.

This is going to be a long 4 years.. 😞

First Lady Donald is having a meltdown! Good!🤣

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Here’s an NFT card I’d buy.

President Musk. First Lady Bitch Tits.

So did Trump clear this with Musk?

Keep. It. Going.


Because he is. Trump is too fucking stupid to see that.

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But Musk is running and calling the shots

Good work getting ahead of it, but we all know the truth, vice president Trump.

Musk’s White House tenure to be measured in Scaramuccis.

Yalk about a stolen election! Musk didn’t run, and nobody voted for him. Talk about riding Trump’s coat tails into office.

I wonder where Donnie will be allowed to sit in the White House?

It would be rather poetic if Trump decides to take a page out of Putin’s playbook and Elon trips off a thirty story hotel balcony.

It is fucking hysterical this is working. Trump is easier to play than tic-tac-toe

“Seen as”.

It isn’t he? He bought it! Before he broke it.

Any man who must say, “I am the King”, is no true king.

Haha no, no, it’s a great idea to have one of the dumbest, most easily manipulated men in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world. I mean he only takes the bait… every single time? It’s not like other world leaders would think to exploit that or anything.

First Lady Shitler needs to remember her place and do what she’s told!


Is someone upset that they can’t play with the country they bought

It’s truly ridiculous how easy the orange fuckwit is to manipulate

President Musk paid off Hair Fuhrer’s debts or something probably.

Watching these two narcissists fight will be highly entertaining.

Someone suggested sending empty envelopes to “President Musk” at Maralago. You know the one at: 1100 S.Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480.

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