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YouTubers after hearing this:

“Hey PSauce, Michael here!”

Note to myself; learn from pornhub

The user experience on pornhub is also noticeably better than youtube for me.

Can someone explain whole “lore” about this person. I know that she claimed she started onlyfans buy then I read that was fake stunt

“The problems with YouTube would be solved by renaming it to Y.” – Elmo, probably

its easier to understand on pornhub since the platform appeals to people you try to catch but never near.

it all depends on the situation with people these days

$340 per 1 million views on YouTube is the most obvious lie I’ve ever heard.

Is sfw content on pornhub against their tos? Everyone hates youtube could we just switch to pornhub?

It shows how many people who cant speak English pay for ph. They just see a woman and don’t understand that in the video there will be no adventure.

Ironically, adding educational content to pornhub makes it *more* likely for Florida to ban it.

Wasn’t this story proven to be fake, after all?

you know, i am pretty popular programmer on hub
github, right?

340$ per million views? That’s awfully low. How many people actually make a living out of youtube videos then??

this just made me realize it would be an amazing idea for lonely people learning to program (all people learning to program lol) to make programming tutorials but taught by a hot nude woman lmao

I told you I visit Pornhub for the articles.

Pornhub could be a great place for content creators who keep getting their videos demonetized for stupid reasons.

Why is a Neural Network?

Aww yeah, check out those well-developed frontal lobes!

/ “But the queens *we* use would not excite you.”

Yeah, but I feel weird fapping to STEM videos on YouTube.

OP misunderstood the actual post. The point of the original post, OP, is that PH pays 3 times the rate to content producers. The point is that *despite* their being fewer views they make more money on PH.

but the tweet says that youtube generates more views, so the title doesn’t really make sense

Sample size too small? She has 32k views on PH

That’s crazy, she can just 4x her revenue by wearing a revealing top and cross posting to P hub.
This is the state of the internet lol.

The real lesson here is that sometimes the most unexpected platforms understand user engagement better than the giants. Who would have thought that the site known for adult content could teach YouTube a thing or two about user experience?

Honestly, if one can make a person who is having a wank stop and start watching a videon about neural networks, they should absolutely continue.

I want to dispel this real quick:

AdSense on YouTube is tracked by the creator via RPM: revenue per mille, or revenue per 1,000 views.

$1,000 would be a $1 RPM
$340 would be a $0.34 RPM

Average RPM on YouTube varies for the category, with some reaching $10-15 RPM (beauty/makeup channels), but STEM videos make around $4-$8 RPM. So if she’s not making $4000-$8000 per million views on YT, she’s really doing something wrong.

Source: am a YouTuber. Gaming YT, but I shouldn’t be too far off with my numbies.

EDIT: these numbers also depend on the length of the video. But even still, a 15 second video of mine was $0.62 RPM, so she’d have to be posting REAL short vids for a $0.34 RPM.

Does it?

22k views vs 980k

A lot of people not getting it: pornhub pays more because it accepts shadier advertisers. Crypto, scams, grey market gambling and so on.

she went full of model. so I guess money talks

Is she real? I thought she was an AI.

I mean, she also does porn though

“How to insert a large motherboard safely”

“How to make your liquid cooler cream all through it’s pipes”

I’ve always wondered about how this industry works. Who pays for porn?

I swear Idiocracy is going to be right; TV and computers will be replaced by Pornhubs, you’ll get handjobs at Starbucks, and go to college at Costco.

While I am not surprised that PornHub has a higher eCPM, I am curious regarding the actual number of impressions.

How is the ad revenue lower than when YouTube Videos had 90% less ads?!

Gotta kill time while my code compiles

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