I’ve been really curious. Why do Trump supporters prefer an autocratic government over democracy?

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Because they think they’ll never be affected by the autocracy. They see themselves as “the good people” that did nothing wrong, so surely they won’t be affected. While on the other hand those “dirty criminal immigrants” or “radical corrupt political opponents” will deservedly be on the receiving end. 🤷

Don’t forget the hypocrisy of completely ignoring the fact that the candidate he just spent billions aiding was literally convicted of a felony that he somehow never got sentenced for.

So “those who break the law will be arrested” unless they can make us money.

The honest answer is the rise of social media via smartphones, putting the most powerful propaganda tool ever created into the hands of idiots with no critical thinking skill or media literacy.

Because they are regressing to a childhood understanding of the world. When they were little kids in the ’50s everything felt safe and understandable. There were boys and girls and they were different and boys were better. There were whites and nonwhites and they were different and whites were better. There were Americans and nonamericans and they were different and Americans were better.  

These days people keep wanting them to understand the world on an adult level to see different sides of arguments and to accept that some of the things white Americans have done in the past have been truly horrific.  But they don’t want to do that. It’s much easier to just revert childhood. 

They were raised by the world war II generation who are very militaristic and dominating as a way to cope with all the trauma from the war. So naturally the boomers and the people who think like them yearn to be kids again and to have a big, strong, scary dad who would make them feel safe and protected.

Musk and his companies have broken the law too. Time to arrest him I guess.

Hey, folks, if you want to get rid of this illegal immigrant stop buying Teslas and using X. It’s that easy.

Because democracy allowed Obama to be elected, the system is “broken” if it represents equity. Notice not one republican has said anything about stolen elections in over a month?

Because they think it means *they* won’t have to follow the rules either.

Does it include crooked AF politicians and “billionares”? does it Elon?!

While Trump hides from prosecution behind his hand picked Supreme Court. It never ends with these grifters

Because Republicans don’t want to govern, they want to rule. 

What about former Presidents?

Because they are a minority and in a democracy the minority loses. In an olarchy, if you have the richest man next to you, you win.

Same reason most have a religion with a giant daddy figure who solves everything for them and speaks to them directly? Seems about as Authoritarian as you can get even from a religious standpoint. “If I serve god my whole life I’ll be honored with a place by his side in heaven instead of being punished for not being loyal and have to rot in hell.” Exactly the religion I’d expect from Authoritaritarians.

The simple-minded crave simple realities, something which conservatism offers them.

I am sure it doesnt include the convicted felon guy…

Does that include an ex-president and just elected president with a criminal record convicted felon awaiting more charges on document case and many more.

You’d be surprised by how many people are in favor of oppressive totalitarianism if the right people are being oppressed.

republicans like to be told what to do.

Hey Elon, does that include presidents and president-elects?

How long before people start having “accidents” and falling out windows?

Ostensibly propaganda I guess. The world’s richest men and cronies like venture capitalist and VP-elect JD Vance also somewhat successfully pretended like its childless cat ladies that have all of the power, of which there aren’t the bulk of childless cat ladies as Representatives, not CEOs, nor the Forbes richest 300 billionaires… yet somehow things like that run.

People somehow believe the world’s richest aren’t the globalists. Arent themselves the deep state. All the power and yet none of the responsibility for how things are..


In the most well-armed nation on Earth oligarchs are safe to continue business as usual.

All hail president Musk

They don’t really, but they’ve been lied to so much and have soaked up so the disinformation/misinformation, that they don’t know what they want. But some will learn in the next 4 years, sadly, through their own suffering.

Start with trump mole man.

Many sects of Christianity also have/promote an authoritarian social structure.

The unquestioned god lends his power to the unquestioned leader of the church. Then followers are motivated to pick an unquestioned national leader to impose their beliefs on everyone – even if the beliefs are unpopular – because they are ordained by their god according to the interpretation of their book by their unquestioned leader.

Because their lives are so miserable that they’d prefer hurting the ‘others’ and themselves rather than help everyone. Sad folk with small brains.

Spend just a little time on the Elon special K-tweet fest, and you’ll find that they are openly calling for jailing and worse for private citizens who don’t support Trump. Not even hiding it now. It will take longer, but it will eventually get to them.

Are you missing the part where he says if the “break the law”? Elected officials can AND SHOULD be arrested when breaking the law.

See: Rochester DA who fled from police in a high speed chase which was subsequently ignored. 

People and governments have been plundered and impoverished by the ultra rich.

Autocrat promises return to a “great past”, without any plan to actually deliver them wealth. Desperate and the dumb vote for it.

Because they are actually the dumbest motherfuckers on earth

Elon paid $200m to Trump for a place in the administration. Pay to play. Get money out of politics.

Why stop at mayors? Why not include presidents?

Because they have daddy issues.

They don’t comprehend that laws created by elected representatives govern a democracy but they think a dear leader literally controls everything in a society like a teacher in a classroom or the quarterback on a football team. Policies by the executive can prioritize or initiate movement toward certain goals, but it’s the constitution the citizens should be loyal to.

This is why they prefer religion and superstitious texts to just tell them how to behave rather than use brain power which admittedly is more difficult.

It ll be Russia 2.0

I’m fully convinced the only people who voted for Trump are either millionaires, racists, or people who are unable to think critically

Are you saying people that breaks laws shouldn’t be arrested? Even Presidents that break laws should be arrested, shouldn’t they?

Musk is talking about mayor’s who won’t cooperate with federal agencies to deport illegal aliens.

Because those black and trans people are getting a little too uppity, who do they think they are? And all these women trying to take leadership positions? They belong in the home and kitchen, a good woman is a silent woman. Why are they even allowed to vote? They’re too emotional, the founding fathers knew best. In fact, everything needs to go back to the good ole days, like the 50s when all these minority groups knew their place, back when America was great. 

Oh! Is this post public? Oh, well, I mean ummm – it’s because of the economy and eggs. Yeah, for sure. Also democrats need better messaging. People are getting frustrated. When will they finally listen? There’s a reason the true patriots haven’t voted for them since 1964, the year year it all went to hell. 

Elon Musk is the shadow president

Because they are dummies

Short answer – The majority doesn’t.

But Trump campaigned on a cesspool of BS that people think the media twisted when in fact, he is quoted as saying all this autocratic bullshit over and over at his rallies.

So pissed off white men vote for him thinking he’s going to swoop in and fix the fact they never put in any effort to improve themselves and make all their problems go away.

Neither of this things happen. Trump improves life for the only people he cares about, **OTHER BILLIONAIRES**, and the rest can fuck off while the right wing media insists it’s the left standing in their way of happiness. And the cycle repeats itself.

Par for course. Biden set this bar going after Trump with politicalcally motivated BS

Do you think, with Kamala, ANYONE would have had democracy? She wasn’t even an option if you had one shred of a belief in the democratic process. But, I mean, if CNN didn’t say it, it must not be true, right?

Lmao, unless your name is Donald Trump. Then the law does not apply to you.

The answer is that they are some combination of ignorant, gullible, and amoral.

Certainly, there are other factors that contribute, but that’s the soil in which the seeds will grow best.

The conservatives that don’t fit that description are the never-Trumpers and the folks that left the Republican party behind… what’s left is just goobers and people with zero integrity.

The brain damage on Reddit never ceases to amaze. It’s like the last 4 years haven’t happened

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