J.F.K and his best friend Lem Billings.

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“Jack made a big difference in my life,” Billings said. “Because of him, I was never lonely. He may have been the reason I never got married.”

That’s not even the best picture of them
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Lem Billings was confirmed to be gay. JFK probably fucked anything that moved. After his assassination, he was called “saddest of the Kennedy widows. “

Fun fact about Lem Billings. He took on a fatherly role to RFK jr, which culminated in the then-college student getting the much older man addicted to heroin



Honey, me and Lem are going fishing. I’ll be back in a few days.


I also stare at my best friend’s mouth and smile


If people never question your sexuality while hanging out with your best friend. Yall ain’t best friends.

It’s a boner-fide friendship.




that’s Ferguson from Clarissa Explains It All

Lem repeated his senior year of prep school so he could graduate with JFK.

I have a very similar photo with my best friend from the Marines. At his wedding.

We haven’t fucked….yet

“No homo, Mr President.”

Damn that’s gay af

Something bulging in Lem’s pants…

And there was no “slim-fit” pants like what we have today.

And they were roooooommates.


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John Fitzgerald, but how does Gerald feel about it?


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