Jace Veal, who played “Young Loki” in “Loki” Season 1, is currently facing homelessness at 17 years old. He left his home due to abuse, and unfortunately, social workers have not been helping him.

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He reportedly left his home due to abuse and his step dad who controlled all of the money he earned stole it and spent it

Edit: His name is Jack Veal not Jace as the tweet says

This breaks my heart , hopefully someone can help

That’s very sad

CORRECTION: His name is Jack Veal not Jace as the tweet says

This is awful, I really hope someone helps this guy. I enjoyed his role as young loki, was hoping to see him again in the theater. I’m broke otherwise I’d find a way to help, too.

I really don’t know how to help this poor kid but it does make me really want them to bring back Kid Loki with this actor so that he can get a really good influx of money so he can at least live on his own just to give him that stability

I hope things work out for him.

Okay so his name is *Jack* Veal.

[Here is his IG](https://www.instagram.com/jack.anthony.veal?igsh=azdwZmk2NTJ0dW03) if you’d like to send a DM and offer a few bucks or something.


So sad. He was great in the role. Could Disney or anyone he worked with help?

Is there a donation fund or something? What can we do?

Could Disney not step in and help? Like Iger/Feige my dudes what are you even doing? Help the kid out. I know its technically not your responsibility but the kid starred in one of your biggest shows. Have a little compassion. Help him out.

That is horrible.

what are the ethics of doxxing the abusive stepdad?

People always assume that homelessness is due to drugs or mental health, but a lot of women and children are homeless because of violence and abuse at home.

Seeing quite a few people wondering about why the Coogan law does or does not apply here.

[Here’s what an entertainment lawyer has to say about it.](https://www.minorscontractattorney.com/which-states-have-coogan-laws/)

> In recent decades, more and more productions have moved out of California to shoot “on location” in states that offer generous tax incentives to producers who are willing to bring Hollywood to the heartland. As a result of this boom in local TV and movie production, several of these states have passed their own version of California’s Coogan Law to protect the income of their own child performers.
> **As of 2019, New York, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania all have laws on the books which are comparable to Coogan.** However, it is worth noting that only California, New York, and Florida permit judicial approval of minors’ contracts (See my post [“Is a Contract With a Minor Binding?”](http://www.minorscontractattorney.com/is-a-contract-with-a-minor-binding/) for more on this).
> This distinction between states with Coogan laws and states which permit minor’s contracts to be approved is relevant because **the vast majority of contract approvals are sought and obtained in California, regardless of where the shoot is actually taking place.** This is because California makes it very easy to establish jurisdiction for the purposes of applying for approval of a minor’s contract. **Even if the minor is an out of state resident and the production itself is out of state, the producer can still apply to the California court for approval of the minor’s contract as long as the production company “has its principal office for doing business in the state of California” in California.**
> In practical terms, **this means that a producer can shoot a movie in Louisiana using local Louisiana kids who have never set foot in California, but still file for approval of that kid’s contract in Los Angeles County as long as that producer has an office in LA.**
> **Even stranger is the fact that California requires that any contract approved by its courts must use a Coogan account located in the state of California.** The bizarre result of this mandate is that there are thousands of kids living in states with fully functional Coogan laws whose money is nevertheless sitting in a bank 3,000 miles away in a [state] they have never visited.

Wow his dad is a huge piece of shit

Wow, this is heartbreaking. Hope he finds the support he needs. Hollywood needs to step up!

Someone tell Tom Hiddleston, the guy has a heart of gold.

Surely Disney would be able to help. Right?

Hope the kid just keeps level headed and doesn’t turn to drugs/alcohol ect. You were amazing as kid Loki mate and you can do this on your own!!!

Ugh wtf, the saying that “every child deserves parents but not all parents deserve a child” is what comes to mind rn.

My heart breaks for him… my thoughts and prayers he recovers.

Get this guy a Patreon and we’ll flood him with love!


Bro, this is incredibly sad, I hope he’s gets some real help soon

His name is Jack, not Jace. Bruh…

Damn…..that is just sad.

This is unfortunate, man. I hope someone can help him out.

Maybe his employer should intervene hmmm?

you would think disney or marvel would snag this pr oppertunity to put this actor up in a house or something, maybe cast him in something just to be like “we take care of our marvel actors.” or something. this is messed up.

His parents suck and pimped him to Disney, fame and they were too much, he got hooked on drugs, they kicked him out (or he left), because he wasn’t useful to them anymore now he’s couch surfing and refusing foster care.

I know the struggle, I hope he gets through this.

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