January 6th 2021. A terrorist illegally enters the US Capitol Senate Chambers.

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[Eric Munchel](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna104188) – 57 months in prison.

His mother, also pictured, got 30 months.

Weird how Trumpers love masks when they’re storming the capitol but not to control infectious diseases.

And he brought along his Mom! That way he didn’t need to call her for a ride home. What a good boy!

ThEY WeRe tHeRe PEACEFULLY!! – maga

Ok. So what were the zip-ties for? Tying everyone together in a big group hug??

Hearing trump supporters rationalise this away as no big deal is truly breathtaking

The angle had me convinced he’d made a prosthetic forearm out of cable ties.

What else were they going to use all that Temu tactical gear for?

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They absolutely are traitors to their country. I don’t care if they truly believed all the lies, the reality is they tried to take away their fellow countrymen’s votes. To this day, these people (and many more) still refuse to find the actual truth…..the simple truth…..Americans voted in Joe Biden, a man who would not have had a chance in a regular election simply due to his age, because the thought of another 4 years of the ass clown was just too much to take. Now? 4 years later, and too many people forgot just how awful this ass clown was, created a fake reality (again) about how good things were when he was president (objectively the worst 4 years we have had in my recent memory for division and chaos) and voted him to be in the front seat, again. The TRUTH is that tRUMP Repugnants were busily putting into place gerrymandering and other “grassroots” efforts to re-elect this man and “good” people fell for it. So, what are the rest of us doing? Yelling it was a rigged election? (In many ways, it was a systematic effort to manipulate and gaslight…but it worked and it is “legal”) Thanks to all of those who have lost the plot. We are all now going to ride this ill-fated train together. Sadly, it is how the system works.

We can only hope the next violent siege is also recorded and live-streamed by every single participant.

A terrorist..don’t just single him out; they all were.

And in a few weeks he’ll run free because the felon uberterrorist and rapist will pardon him

The Punisher would absolutely annihilate all of these bitches

Media literacy is dead

Let’s not forget about that dumb bitch who took two In the chest for not listening to the secret service

Is this Johnny Ziptiehands?

Can we talk a little about the mindset of a man-child that had that costume ready and waiting at home. ??!! LOL

A 32 yr old man has been waiting how long, preparing for the day, when he could finally dress up in his crazy, paranoid-virgin, vigilante costume and run around with like minded nit-wits playing idiot war.. like… he bought that shit over time between Fortnite tournaments and cousin stalking

Now imagine what these people would be capable of with the full backing of a US President, all three branches of government, and being granted immunity for their actions. 

Imagine what these animals would’ve done if they got a hold of someone like AOC or Nancy Pelosi. No doubt they would have been raped and murdered. All of this gets a pass now. Unreal.

Weird things to bring to a “peaceful protest” 

How insane do you have to be to think with the mounds of evidence that this was fucking peaceful in any way.

A Dark Day in American History that the Republicons are trying to erase as if it never happened!!!!!!!

no no no, these are TRUMP soldiers that have infinite pardon.

To think Trump may pardon all these scum, justifying what they did. Sickening.

What’s the maga cult’s defence for these actions now? I remember shortly after it happened those loony tunes were saying it was antifa, undercover cia and other waky shit. Seems now it’s a modern day tea party? Lol

And we “supposedly elected” the insurrectionist CONVICTED RAPIST who wants to pardon all of them because he considers that beautiful

And then America voted for the terrorists in the next election. You literally can’t make this shit up. Up is down apparently in the ol’ US of A

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