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Can only happen in Japan!

No breaking rules, Japan cool!

Yeah my first instinct was to think that guy was gonna run off with it. Western culture is so different (and significantly less honest and honourable) than Japanese culture.

Japan: 😍

Other countries: *N/A*

Obviously pixelating certain things works for a wholesome society!

And in America, an old woman snatches the ball from a child’s hands

japan is not wholesome lmao but yeah this be cute

Meanwhile in the US it’ll become a death battle

Japan is also sexist af. They have problems too.

in africa they would have kidnapped whoever caught the ball

I ❤️ Japan

In USA they beat up kid and steal ball


This fucking post again 😒

Let’s try to do this in the US

Impossible with India lmao

Reddit and japanese fetish. Name a better duo.

Fuck I need to visit Japan before I die, my kind of peeps!

In my country not even an apple would reach the third person

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Why is this the most Japanese thing. Wouldn’t happen anywhere else

I simply do not believe this

Absolutely basedballed

Also… microwave that sing… Take note America!

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