JD Vance gets schooled by Auschwitz Memorial

By A_Lazko
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Say it louder for the ones playing dumb.

“the Holocaust did not start from gas chambers”

This. It’s something I studied in my 9th grade history class. The Holocaust is most famously the attempt to make Europe Judenfrei, but it wasn’t just that. It was the systemic dismantling and dehumanization of the Jewish community. it was the ghettos, the deportations, the rounding up and brandings. My textbook said it best. The process was:

1. You have no right to live among us as equals
2. You have no right to live among us
3. You have no right to live.

Reminder that the the first people the Nazis rounded up and sent to concentration camps were socialists and other left wingers. Years before they started on the Jews.

JD’s not trying to have a discussion, he’s looking for instructions.

The guy who called his running mate, in his words, “America’s Hitler”, sure does give off Nazi vibes.. probably a coincidence.

seriously so disgusting that our VICE PRESIDENT is arguing with the OFFICIAL AUSCHWITZ MEMORIAL ABOUT WHAT STARTED THE EFFING HOLOCAUST i am so so ashamed to be from this country we should be literally all be rioting

There is a reason why his new AfD-cronies are banned from visiting German concentration-camps.

To be fair, maybe Vance believes he has a unique perspective to share as a leading member of the fascist conspiracy destroying American democracy.

Tolerance paradox is real and we’re in it, people. 

I’ve heard that JD Vance shares 99.8% of his genome with the worm that was eating RFK’s brain

It started with right wing fascists coming up with stupid race-based lies like “THEY’RE EATING THE PETS”

Whoever handles the Twitter account for the Auschwitz Memorial gives zero fucks and puts up with no one’s bullshit. They rock.

Vance went to Yale. What the fuck are they teaching in these high end schools that cranks out so many fascists? Jesus, this guy is grooming MAGA to deny the holocaust.

I am convinced Vance is far dumber than me. He literally sounds like a cretin. Yet, I could never, even in a million years, qualify to get into Yale.

How does this happen?

Goddamn the Ivy League. Every college graduate should be ashamed of the pieces of shit being cranked out of that fucked up system.

What free speech are you asking about, JD? The one where you defend neo-nazis for being anti-semitic? That free speech, champ?

Come on, this shit is tired on a level I can’t even be bothered with anymore.

Another great resource is the USHMM.

[United States Holocaust Memorial Museum](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/fascism-1)


Fascism is a far-right political philosophy, or theory of government, that emerged in the early twentieth century. Fascism prioritizes the nation over the individual, who exists to serve the nation. While fascist movements could be found in almost every country following World War I, fascism was most successful in Italy and Germany.
Fascism emerged as a political movement in twentieth century Europe when Benito Mussolini founded the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) in Italy in 1919.
Germany embraced fascism more than any other country. The Nazi government that ruled under Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945 was a fascist government.
Fascism is a far-right theory of government that opposes the political philosophies of the Enlightenment and the 19th century, including democratic liberalism, communism, and socialism.”

“Definition and Beliefs
Fascism is an ultranationalist, authoritarian political philosophy. It combines elements of nationalism, militarism, economic self-sufficiency, and totalitarianism. It opposes communism, socialism, pluralism, individual rights and equality, and democratic government.
Fascism places the importance of the nation above all else. The unity of the national community is prioritized above the rights of individuals. This leads to an intense interest in defining which groups belong or do not belong to the national body. Fascism is characterized by:
strident, often exclusionary nationalism
fixation with national decline (real or perceived) and threats to the existence of the national community
embrace of paramilitarism
In fascist states, violence is accepted—even celebrated—if it serves or advances the national community. For fascists, violence often has a redemptive or purifying quality.
Fascism rejects the practices of representative or liberal democratic government. It holds that these practices interfere with the expression of the national will. Instead, fascist governments are one-party states led by an authoritarian leader who claims to embody the national will. Fascists define the national will as advancing the interests of the national community. This usually means:
protecting or elevating the rights of the national community above the rights of those seen as alien
removing obstacles to national unity and suppressing those seen as challenging it
expanding the size and influence of the national state
often, also seeking to expand territory through armed conflict”

The Holocaust isnt easily definable into a single cause, rather it had several. Free speech wasn’t one of them, rather its repression was. If you were German or under occupation you spoke along the party line or you’d die for your words.

Right, right, because free speech doesn’t mean shit, does it Mr. Vice-President.

It didn’t mean shit when you and Donald Duck told Americans that ”llegal Haitian immigrants were eating cats and dogs”, of legal immigrant Haitian immigrant.

Fuck you, motherfucker.

Can we hope that you are in the final stage of a fatal disease.

Dude doesn’t understand how anything works

Damn, I bet JD Vance would be super pissed off if he could read any of that.

Fallen on deaf ears, unfortunately.

I’m gay, widowed, ADHD, with a young, BRIGHT AND WELL ADJUSTED child even with all that madness.

F these mf’s making people live this way.

My son already knows the word Gustapo & since my sister apparently didn’t & voted for bullies, I had to change plans made so she could really get to know him/ see him (we don’t live close) WHICH I CHOSE to both bc it was overdue, but also bc I have to plan spontaneously & she mentioned she was having it at hers bc her’s asked & she was stressed about getting the house ready for it/ cleaning & I said “I’m happy to come early & help clean”.

Until I found out she had STILL voted that way this year.

Ok, well, I guess my son doesn’t have that Aunt anymore. Wtf we gonna do?!… let’s go visit Auntie [redacted]… I know she’d give a family member up to Hitler, but blood is thicker than…


Family are those who care if you live or die, have your back, & hopefully MOSTLY know right from wrong. In this case, right from far right.

This guy went to Yale. I wonder if Yale is embarrassed.

Holocaust deniers always blow my mind like there’s mountains of evidence grounded in reality how could you possibly think it wasn’t real? And I agree, they came after the mentally handicapped before they went after the jews in Nazi Germany (I think that’s true, not 100% sure on that, correct me if i’m wrong). The *Nazi* Euthanasia Program, codenamed Aktion “T4,” was the systematic murder of institutionalized *people* with disabilities. Everytime I see a mentally ill homeless person on the street, I think of Nazi Germany, I cry a little and I give said homeless person some change despite whether or not it will be spent to fuel their addiction because who am I to judge the homeless, hasn’t society judged them so harshly that they are now treated like trash that doesn’t exist, left to rot on the streets? I’m very close to being in their shoes myself and quite frankly anyone who experiences enough misfortunate events in a row could be cast out onto the street too. It’s truly a sick world we live in, a world that suffers from frequently reoccurring infections.

The government is comprised of grifters , opportunists, and useful idiots.

This is the concept I don’t get. Like do humans really think people just wake up amd start doing horrible shit? Likes it’s an actual process.

The more I hear the son of Jed Clampett speak, the more convinced I am that he was a DEI admission to Yale law school

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