Jennifer Connelly at the end of the 90s.

By trvat
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Jennifer Connelly was da bomb in the 90s!



I would have sex with her, if ya know what I mean

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She is 90’s% of the reason I follow this sub.


Canโ€™t believe this hasnโ€™t Been posted

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Why do these photos always seem too heavily filtered or AI enhanced up these days

This woman was incapable of taking a bad picture, jeez…

Jen Connelly was 90s law guru!

“ass to ass”

glad a man like paul Bettany wife her up

I like how this sub pretends not to be “old hot celebs” sometimes.



Absolute Smoke Show!

Her eyebrows look good here. Not sure why now they look like they’ve been put on with a paint roller.

Holy shit

The scene in Career Opportunities where she is riding the department store coin operated horse is forever burnt into my memory

Had a huge crush on her in Career Opportunities when it came out

Her and Paul Bethany are both just breathtaking, even now

The most beautiful woman in recorded human history

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She reminds of the babeโ€ฆ.

I love that the sign next to her head says “Coming Soon”

Stop using the AI image. The original photo is much better. Stop contributing ๐Ÿซ 

*Ass to ass*

She won the lottery!

Jennifer Connelly in The Rocketeer was incredibly formative for young me.
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Ah yes, The End of the 90s

Go watch the film โ€œThe Hot Spotโ€


I swear she is eternally young. Sheโ€™s gonna put live us all and not look like sheโ€™s aged

I swear she had a boob reduction at some point.

And she knows it.

All over my face

The poster behind her says it all for people in this subโ€ฆ

She’s a total smokeshow! ๐Ÿ”ฅ




Ok, working on time machine now.

Good lord

Watching maverick top gun and she still looks like that

Ageless beauty! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ


Jennifer Connelly is incredible actress and she was my first crush since I was younger.

Holy Connelly!!

It’s from 2000, The Street premiere btw
But 2000 is old school now anyway

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